70s Brit TV "UFO" being adapted for film

The classic UFO is apparently being reworked into something for the big screen.

I loved the look of Gerry Anderson’s scifi designs on everything from Thunderbirds to Space:1999, though the plots sometimes left me cold. In the wake of some successful scifi TV reimaginings (I’m VERY excited for the new The Prisoner miniseries, and hopeful about V), this is at least a little intriguing.

See the show’s opening for a taste.


Aw, no. It needs to be a TV series. That makes as much sense as the X-Files movie.

I really have a soft spot for UFO… I love the slide tube thingy’s.

I hope they keep the cat suits for proper cast members…:slight_smile:

I will be very interested in this project.

Next… I want Man From U.N.C.L.E

they could even do it with the original two cast guys. robert vaughn (napolean Solo ) and David McCallum as Illya Kuryakin. unfortunatly Leo G. Carrol past away shortly after the series.

Speaking of 70s British Sci Fi, I was doing my own personal rewatch of Blake’s 7, but put it aside for a while. I got as far as 1/2-way through Season 2. Maybe time to get back to it.
An excellently dark sci fi TV series, and still holds up surprisingly well.

Problem is they’ll ruin it with CGI instead of the original’s trademark look with models. They’ll also never get Straker’s hair right.

Thank you!!! i was trying to remember the name of that show, and my CRS was getting the better of me… Blake’s 7… I love that show…

It might still be floating around the prop department somewhere.

I hvae the DVDs and I enjoyed them a lot more than I thought I should have. The stories hold up rather well after all of these years, even with the sixties decor.

But, I have to say that this would work much better as a TV series. Get the guy that did Farscape (I can’t believe that I forgot his name…)


Do you have it on tape or DVD?
I’ll have to see if it’s on Hulu…


What a great show Blake’s 7 was.

OMG. I had forgotten about UFO.
Ok-Right up there with Space 1999. I’ll be curious to see it. :smiley:

Ed Bishop took the wig with him.

Wait…didn’t I see it in a cage on a certain Scotsman’s desk in a certain Star Trek movie…?

It’s really awesome rewatching it. When it was on TV …as rerun or whatever—it was the time before even VCRs were around. So there was no way to watch it through. It’s fun following it from the beginning. I’m up to the 2nd season ep call “Countdown” now.

/whispers/ I have it via twother twmeans

There’s a connection there I think. There was gonna be an American version of UFO and they had the sets done and all. But then the changed it into Space 1999.