#7: One Giant Leap

We have some fun with Eureka’s season finale, eventually settling down to speculate as to what might come of the Astraeus mission. And we comment significantly on Fargo’s “giant leap.” Haven’t had enough Eureka yet? Next week we rejoin our Eureka rewatch, which will continue throughout the off-season. If you’ve got a minute, give us a call at 214-296-9229 to share your thoughts on the finale or Eureka in general. We’d love to share them with listeners in an upcoming cast.

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Hey all. This was a great episode. I thought it was great the way that a frikkin’ black hole seemed like a minor part of the episode. The writers have the tone down pat for this show and the 5th season is going to be great.

I really hope that they bring Jo back into the story as a bit of a Deus Ex Machina. Like around episode 4 or 5 Carter is at the mercy of some villain who then just gets disabled from off-camera by Jo in uniform. “You know what I realised? I really like who I am. Lets go!” and no further explanation required. That would be awes-tacular.

Also, I was really hoping that Wil Wheaton would be a bad guy somehow related to “Beverly”. Then we could refer to team evil as The Crusher Gang.

Finally, the science in the Eureka universe appears to contain a pretty high concentration of Narrativium. Interestingly I have a friend who doesn’t like his kids to watch Eureka because he doesn’t want them learning “bad science”.

Not to be confused with the slightly less dangerous Plotonium which while brings about many of the same results is less refined and restricted to procedural crime dramas.