7 Caprica clips online

Ain’t It Cool News has the clips

Thanks for posting this link.

These seem to be new clips. I’m definitely going to watch it.

The clips are dead. :[

What made me more sad was all the hate under them.
SciFi isnt all about space ships and aliens.
Its Science Fiction, Fiction about Science, gawsh.

Dang. All I can seem to post today are teases.

Ain’t It Cool has re-posted the clips here.

This show looks so cool.:smiley:

I;m really looking forward to this show. Looks really good.

Caprica looks good, different from BSG obviously but it seems like it will be focused on characters and story. It will be interesting to see the BSG world 40 years before the end. I wonder if we will see any adventures on the Cylon colony?

I’ll say. Wow. What a mood. Reminds me of the impact that the early days of BSG had.

The questions/thoughts start straight away - especially from the last two clips.

  1. So, the worshippers of IT are the terrorists? Does it matter that we now know that IT exists in some way, shape or form?

  2. Daniel Greystone appears to be quite a bit more “doubtful” about his Cylon Zoe than the premise of the show, as previously described, led me to believe - at least at the outset. And how do we get from Zoe to Cents? And if Zoe tech existed 40 years before the second war, why were the humans in BSG so surprised, when it “reoccurred”?

All the more reason to have hope NBTR. April 21. Less than a month, if one has the scratch for the CD.

The new Zoe seems to be a holographic projection and not an actual construct, which would make sense since it was the Final Five who developed the Skinjobs.

Im starting to think more as I did originally that the show will show us how the Larry’s were developed and how they got their monotheistic beliefs.

Im curious, was the Tennisbot Cylon Model 001?

I’m pretty sure that Zoe is going to be biomachinery. My guess is that there is some sort of “flaw” that the FF’s approach avoided.

I’m with you, back story of the development of the Cents and their ultimate rebellion could be very interesting.

Caprica clips have definately peaked my interest, although I am suddenly grateful to have sons & no teenage daughters :eek:…
You can feel the intensity of Zoe from the start, which I think will grab a lot of younger watchers along with the rest of the BSG fans. I like Eric Stolz as an actor, and will enjoy seeing what he does with his character Daniel Greystone.
I’ll be watching!