6.06 "Sundown"

Let me guess, it’s from the Jay and Jack Podcast?

In the end, in some instances it’s all about the Losties having a free will to decide what they wanna do.
Dogen wanted JACK to give the pill to Sayid.
Ben wanted JACK to want to save his life.
Ethan asked CLAIRE if she wanted Aaron to be with the Others (k, of course she was drugged at that point, but still…:D)

If I’m assuming the ‘candidates’ are to replace Jacob, then there’s gotta be ‘candidates’ to replace Esau, too, right? Because as an earlier post mentioned, the two goals of Jacob & Esau don’t seem mutually exclusive (unless for some reason unknown Esau’s leaving will hurt the island). So, there’s some dynamic between them other than the rivaly established by this set of rules we don’t fully know yet. If they’re bound together in a “checks and balances” sort of way, and they’re both equal, then it makes perfect sense Esau would have his own candidates. I’m just curious if they both choose their successors from the same pool. Or if maybe Ben can come out on top. Really, I just want Ben to come out on top.

I’d say that Ben is Team Jacob. For all Jacob talks about “you always have a choice” he’s even more of a manipulator than UnLocked is. When Ben stabbed him he wasn’t fighting, he wasn’t cowering in a corner, he said the one thing that guaranteed that Ben would stab him. And that was after purposefully ignoring Ben his whole life. My theory is that Jacob figured out his nemesis plan a long time ago and created a new plan based on the originals success. That way, even if he loses he will eventually win. He got Hurley to the island in the most direct way possible (out of the other candidates) and he just happens to be able to talk to dead people?! Jacob knew he was a gonna and planned appropriately.

I always kinda thought that Miles wasn’t talking to the dead but sensing their emotions and their alternate selves as they slip into death through the alternate realities. Kinda like he sensed Juliette as she saw the sideverse and thought it worked. I’ve not been shouted down yet but not many agree with me in thinking that the island or the properties of the island connect it with multiple dimensions like a nexus.