#5: Working Out and Eating on the Road

We discuss the difficulties (and tricks to) working out and maintaining diet while traveling for work and pleasure. And we take a ton of listener calls, addressing topics including how to know when it’s ok to not work out, how to get back on the fitness track after an injury, how shoes can affect your workouts and body, what are the best times to work out, and how to make time for fitness in a busy schedule.

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I haven’t quite finished this cast yet, but I wanted to ask about weight lifting. I am not yet at my goal weight – about 20 pounds to go – and I wondered how much lifting I should be incorporating into my workouts. I’ve been focusing on cardio, and I also do some basic exercises with dumbbells, a well rounded (and pretty conservative) routine I got from Men’s Health.

But I hear Chuck and Mitch talking about the Smith machines a lot and what sound like some pretty intense weight lifting exercises. I don’t have a trainer and I’m not familiar with those exercises. Am I missing an important tool to get to my weight loss goal? Or are those exercises more like the master class if I want to achieve a certain body fat or add muscle, etc.?