#5: Pilot (Rewatch)

We take the opportunity during this week’s Eureka hiatus to start our rewatch with the show’s premiere, Pilot. We discuss Eureka’s nascent characters and how we first met them. We dig into the necessities that place all TV pilots at a strong disadvantage to already-established series. And we enjoy noticing now much the citizens (and town) of Eureka has grown since its humble beginnings.

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So now I start watching this instantly on Netflix. Been putting this one off, but now that you’re doing a re-watch and podcasting about the episodes…the time is now! :slight_smile:

i have been doing some reading on sites, and what i can find is that eureka is one of the most popular shows on TV today, but why it’s being canceled is because it’s not as profitable as the network would like it to be.

Eureka is a show I’d love to indulge in a marathon rewatch but it’s also one I’ve put off buying on disk in favour of a full series boxset, temptation always arises when I start listening to a podcast talking about the show especially epsiodes I’ve not seen for a while:)