#4: Choosing and Using a Trainer

We discuss how trainers work: what they do, how to choose one, and how to make use of one. A good trainer can help you create a customized workout plan, help with nutrition, introduce you to equipment and exercises, and generally help you feel at home at the gym, but finding the right trainer for you is critical to success. Mitch shares some great insider knowledge about how to tell whether your trainer is a match, and Chuck shares some band geek private lesson experiences that informed his selection. We also take a number of listener questions sent in via voice mail, Facebook, Twitter, and email.

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I’ve said this on the Wolverines thread, but it bears repeating:

Early on in the 'cast, Chuck notes, “You start to like it.”

If you’re new to working out, and maybe you’re not in the groove yet, keep that in mind. Eventually, you not only get used to the growing pains, but you get hungry for them.

At first, as you start working out, you may feel crappy. And you may not want to do it. And you may want to quit. But eventually, your mindset will shift from “I don’t want to do it” to “I don’t feel right when I don’t do it.”

Working out makes you overall feel better, mind and body. You can do it!

ps. Thanks for taking the call. Note to self: Get new cordless phone.

pps. “Plateau” song.
