Yes… I do this. Well, I used to anyway.
I’ll see if I can’t dig up a picture or something to take a picture of. I once made a klingon forehead…
Anyone else dabble in this?
Yes… I do this. Well, I used to anyway.
I’ll see if I can’t dig up a picture or something to take a picture of. I once made a klingon forehead…
Anyone else dabble in this?
A friend of mine was totally into this. Made amazingly accurate replicas of Freddy Krueger, Arnold’s half exposed Terminator (with glowing eye), and the Klingon make-up a well. But since he was making all these appliances for himself, I was the one who had to cast his whole head in the dental rubber and plaster.
Had to do it twice 'cuz the first mold failed. By the end of the second one, he was getting quite claustrophobic (Maybe in part 'cuz another friend was blowing out matches and blowing the smoke into his nose-straws).
Anyway, it’s a cool hobby. Make anything else?