#38: Win 8 Consumer Preview, Trackpad Challenge

We download the Windows 8 consumer preview, install it on a VM, and offer some early thoughts as to its functionality and originality. Short version: We love Metro, but we’re not yet sold on its integration — and some of the features scare the hell out of us. Also, Juan takes up the Trackpad Challenge, ditching his beloved mouse for two weeks and replacing it with a multi-touch trackpad, reporting back this week with the results.

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When you guys started talking about how Win 8 doesn’t suit a mouse and would work better with swipe gestures I almost yelled at my mp3 player “Duuuuude! Try a Kinect!” You mentioned it briefly as an afterthought, but think about it some more. Do you have any feelings about how serious MS is about integrating the Kinect with Windows in the future?
I have to say, when my old gf got her new Macbook and I checked out the gestures on the big touch pad the first thing that came to mind was swiping in the air at my desk. Great cast, btw.

I tried the Windows 8 customer preview, and had pretty much the exact same response as Juan and Chuck. The only thing that I am kinda curious about is IE10.