#305: Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

Is it just me, or did Bill & Ted’s surfer-dudism’s remind one of Michaelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

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Everyone should enjoy this, but especially Audra.


Vote for your favorite GWC Podcast 305 quote(s). This poll will close on February 2nd, 2012 at 09:06 AM .

Regarding the influence California has had on society, the Film makers of Hollywood are responsible for the common misconception that all frogs produce a ‘ribbit’ sound. In fact out of 4,360 known species of frog the only frog which produces this commonly asscoiated ‘ribbit’ frog sound is the Pacific Tree Frog which is native only to the West Cost of the United States. Some Hollywood sound guy sampled this frog and the sound has been sampled for use in hundreds of Movie and TV soundtracks ever since.

darn that is interesting stuff dude. Thanks :slight_smile:

Amphibian related linkage:


Maybe the best statement about the positive power of metal is Flea’s 2009 speech inducting Metallica to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Contains adult language, but there’s some truly touching stuff. If you care about rock music at all, it’s worth 10 minutes of your time – if you dig metal and you’ve heard it, you owe it to yourself to give it a listen:


Also, so the Incarnations of Immortality series finishes strong? I loved the first couple, and quit on book 3 or 4. I was tired of seeing the same story from different perspectives of diminishing entertainment. But the way Chuck & Sean were talking it up, it sounds interesting.

Sean’s right, man. Death is the best of 'em. But you probably owe it to yourself to skip forward and check out God and Satan, as it is a cool take on the concepts. And Nature is worth owning if just for the cover. I still contend that the woman on the cover is one of the sexiest I’ve ever seen on a book. Ever.

I chewed through Incarnations of Immorality, borrowing them from a coworker one by one about 5 years ago. I found them extremely intriguing, but also very forgettable. I can remember almost no details about it. Had they not said the series name, I wouldn’t even have remembered that.

What I do remember is really liking Skein, Death, and Satan. I don’t think I ever read the God one, and apparently there’s a new one that came out in 2007, possibly as I was reading the original series.

If I wasn’t in the middle of (well, 10% of the way into) Game of Thrones (So about 1% of the way through Song of Ice and Fire) I’d consider a reread.

I really liked Thor. Didn’t looooove it, but solidly enjoyed it. Natalie’s character, I believe, was too thinly written to truly qualify as a Strong Female Character, but this is an interesting argument. Also, Social Justice League is the BEST blog concept I’ve seen in a good long while. Thanks for introducing me!

Filing this in the Someday I’ll Be on Jeopardy and Might Need to Phrase This Trivia in the Form of a Question drawer in my brain

I agree she wasn’t a strong character, but she the problems with her character weren’t the typical movie flat-woman-character problems.

Total agreement. There’s definite opportunities to give the character more depth in the sequel in a way that adds a lot to the story.

Humm, interesting about the female gaze there. I can’t say it seemed all that confusing to me but then I suppose I have seen Spartacus which is on a very different level.

On Joan of Arc she was actually captured and then burned at the steak by the English not exactly a smart move to make a martyr. No expert here but it is certainly a very interesting period.

Also on the language in the future point there is a significant relatively new thing we have which can easily influence this being vast amounts of recorded audio and a dictionary system which can influence any slow transformation of the language. Of course that wouldn’t help with any catastrophe that would wipe those recordings out or the english speaking people but ah well.

And somewhat loosely connected with the differences over time point I find it strange to think that it is getting too a century since world war one and that the Napoleonic wars were the same again before that, thinking of it that way that is a really short time. Just something that came to me recently with my niece using some stuff written by my late Nan about world war two how odd it is for that kind of thing to be starting to go out of living memory.

  1. I believe we are going to need to see your credentials before we trust anything you write. :stuck_out_tongue:

  2. Wow. WWI started almost a century ago. I hadn’t thought of that. My fiancee is teaching modern history to high schoolers this semester, starting with WWI. It really is not that far and yet… the U.S. just lost its last veteran of that war in the last few months.

I’m terribly behind on podcasts again, but some thoughts:

with regards to the elitism of steampunk - I thought that attitude was very well captured by the group Clara wants to join in the newest season of The Guild. I laughed.

with regards to the image of the US projected to the rest of the world by our media: yeah. So. Those of you who know me know that I am close to a number of people who have immigrated to the US, and all of them have commented on different occasions about how even though they knew that TV isn’t the same as reality, it was still hard to adjust in some ways to the idea that the US is not southern-california-standing-in-for-everywhere and other fun items.