#300: Live Callers, FSL Special, Dr. Wichelns

Hear! Hear! I am curious how Perihelion did that. Pray tell!

Hey no worries but if anyone want me to knock something up let me know

Thanks man

I wish, i’m really not that clever but since you ask…

Step 1: Figure out the URL for User Tiles e.g. yours is


because you are user 101. Chuck is user 1 and boomstick (who joined 1 day before the cast) is user 6408. everyone else is somewhere in between

Step 2: Use Excel to generate HTML lines for images between 1 and 6408 and paste this into a HTML body text

Step 3: Run the HTML for all 6408 users and catalogue the users with no tile

Step 4: Remove the no Tile users lines from the HTML page

Step 5: Re run the HTML page and screen cap the images

Step 6: Paste these into a image program and add text

When Cylon bodies become available, you get to program mine.

I’m new to the GWC forums however I’ve been enjoying the podcast for a year or so and it’s kept me going during rough times. I’m an artist so thought I’d chuck…no pun intended a little 300th congrats image at ya. My aplogizes for not sticking completely to the likenesses it’s a parody or sorts, hope you enjoy.

umm … Circle Jerks are bad?


/shrug … my misspent youth I suppose.

p.s. sweet stuff Paint Monger :slight_smile:

Welcome Paint Monger!! Thank you for my new desktop background. Frakkin OSSIM!!

Paint Monger, that is amazeballs. Welcome aboard!

^^^ You can’t see Solai in the picture, but he’s behind everyone, holding up the 300.

The reference made me reflect on how I never could (or did) decide whether I liked [CJ’s albums] Group S.ex or Wild in the Streets better.


Here’s a couple related jams:




hmm … I need time on that one. I’ve spooled albums (and linkages, thanks) up on my pod player. I’ll ponder that at my morning skate. I think better when I’m moving.

“Time just gets away from us.” Mattie Ross – True Grit – Charles Portis


I need a poster of this! You rock!!!

Oh. My. Crom. That is amazing.

I thought seeing Eureka going anime would be the greatest thing I saw this week…I was wrong.

Ok, now there, RIGHT THERE is some ossimness.

Luvyawork Paint Monger!


Skate or die… but it sounds like you already made the right choice:


And enjoy we DO! I’m personally loving the Gingerbread Man’s cameo. It’s all about the details! =D

Thanks all for the kind words, it was alot of fun doing something non-work related and GWC rocks. Here’s a clean version for anyone wanting to put in their own word balloons and dialogue etc. I’m not a comedian and I’m sure many of you can come up with more clever things to write , so have at it :).

Okay, I need someone to flesh out the outline, but here is my FSL 3.5 solution.

Everything is the same as the Crew’s answer up to when Doc Brown goes back in time. Eric goes with him in secret. Doc Brown saves our Dark Lord, Annette (?) from a life as a, well, Dark Lord. But, nature abhors a vacuum and Eric steps up and becomes Darth Eric.

Flash back to the present where…

Hey Juan sure thing man, if you guys want to offer it on the GWC store website and have the profits go to the podcast, that would be sweet!, let me know…and I can get you guys a high res one for printing. This my gift to you all. You rock!

I’m stoked to hear a legitimate film adaptation of Starship Troopers may happen. What Verhoeven did was inexcusable to me. I get that he has his own thing and an audience for it, but he didn’t have to take good source material and rape it like he did. He should have just come up with his own original setting to tell his story instead of smearing the name of a Sci-Fi classic.

That turned out epically and galactically awesome Keir. I finally had a chance to read through all the captions. Thank you for putting it together for the 300th! And thank you to everyone else that contributed and to all those that make up the GWC community.