#294: Star Trek Vehicles

My favorite Trek ship is the Enterprise D. People complain that it looks like a luxury hotel. But come on! It’s a battleship that looks like a luxury hotel! How awesome is that! It was also the first ship we get to see do saucer separation which is one of the coolest things ever.

I love the look of the Enterprise D, and it was definitely my favorite, that is until Riker came swooping in to the rescue in All Good Things with the upgraded Enterprise and that super phaser cut a Warbird in half with one shot. Enterprise D with a cloaking device, a giant phaser mounted under the saucer and a third nacelle making the thing capable of warp 13, that’s my favorite Star Trek vehicle.

I can’t argue with that. I have a model of that ship that can actually transform between the original D and the future version.

Speaking of Captain Sulu’s USS Excelsior tea cup…

First Christmas married my in-laws purchased this for me:

Of course they chose the correct starship:

My obvious choice is the USS Enterprise, no bloody A, B, C, or D.

But I will list my favorite whoa moments that have happened over the years as I’ve watched Star Trek.

TOS: The first time I saw the D7 battlecruiser. I love the upgrade of it in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. It looks like a gun pointing at you. They took full advantage of that in Star Trek VI when the listing battlecruiser regains power and flies toward the Enterprise and the torpedo lights up while Chekov keeps repeating, “Orders, Keptin’?”

TAS: This is more a Whut the frak moment than whoa. In ‘How Sharper Than a Serpent’s Tooth’ there is a…hmmm…ship or alien that just looks…well take a look:

See what I mean?

MOV: This didn’t happen when I first saw the movie in 1982 but when they released The Director’s Cut on DVD in 2001. When I first saw V’ger in its full glory approaching Earth was a whoa moment.

TNG: I agree with Juan. When I saw Captain Riker’s Enterprise-E in ‘All Good Things’ I wanted to captain that ship.

DS9: As Chuck mentioned, the Regent Worf’s flagship, IKS Negh’Var, was a definite whoa moment.

TNG MOV: The Scimitar in ‘Nemesis’ is bad-ass.

VOY: Admiral Janeway’s shuttle. She brings it from the future pimped out to take out the Borg. That is frakkin OSSIM!!

ENT: This series had so many ships. I want to say Enterprise-J but all we get is a “painting” of it. I really dug the Vulcan ship, D’Kyr class.

And finally the reboot, as Audra mentioned the Narada is interesting but I really want Kirk’s motorbike.