#29: Dropbox, Smart TVs, Streaming

We marvel at the awesomeness of one of our listeners streaming her wedding live for us and others — on the spur of the moment. We point out Dropbox’s beta features and free 4.5 GB of storage. We walk through some users’ issues with the OS X 10.7.3 update. We mini-review the touch-screen compatible AGloves. And we take some great listener calls including one about the development resources vs. code quality balance (which leads us to discuss the testing balance as well) and a great question about the value of integrated smart TVs.

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If you use Git, SVN or Mercurial, and a Mac, there’s an awesome Version Control app that I discovered: http://www.sourcetreeapp.com/

It does require a certain familiarity with version-control. I’ve only used it with Git, but it is so much easier to follow (for me) than trying to do it via command line. Give it a whirl. It’s awesome.

My friends and I at work have a shared Dropbox folder and a rotating assignment: “Pick AN episode of a show you think people might like and put it in the box when it’s your turn”. I’ve gotten people hooked on SG-1 and The Wire, and through this I’ve seen episodes of Trailer Park Boys, Curb your enthusiasm, Buffy (I had never seen it before, honest), and a few others. It’s been a cool/fun thing to do at the office.

Since I have a Boxee PC setup at my TV, it’s been cake streaming it in the comfort of my living room too.

Dropbox is excellent.

Listening to Modern Geek for the first time and when the guys got to the point about HDMI slots and use of a TV…I had to chuckle because I think that’s me…

I so need help lol

Google docs does in fact have version control built in. Just go to File->See revision history…

As a developer I love having all my spreadsheets, documentation, and even presentations all with version control. Plus I’ve saved crying marketing people who thought they’d lost all their work when they deleted the content of a document by showing them how to revert to a previous version.