#287: What kind of geek are you?

Well, for what it is worth, I think Citizen Kane is brilliant both technically and story wise. I am a bit of a snob though.
(Not a film snob, the regular kind.)

Everybody has that one famous movie that they haven’t seen. Mine is Citizen Kane. Never seen it.

I agree with Chuck, I really happy that a movie like Conan got made and made for its true fans.

I’m tired of movies that are crafted so specifically to attract wide box office $$$.

Better to make a select few ecstatic than a zillion people say “eh, good enough for my ticket”

regarding time cue 45:38 … I’ll leave it to this.

As a father of our beautiful baby girl, CR makes a point.


p.s. … Kelly’s Heroes > Citizen Kane … word!

Well I am neither, though I have been called an elitist from time to time…

Unfortunately films like that cannot be made on a regular basis unless they have the money to do it, why the big tentpole movies are made, to finance the Oscar worthy stuff they release in the later part of the year.

OMGs!! Kelly’s Heroes > EVERYTHING. Love Kelly’s Heroes.

That speaks to my point in a way. Today, a movie like Kelly’s Heroes probably couldn’t get made. A quirky, fun movie. I miss those.


It’s probably already been stated, but Jaime Murray isn’t the daughter of American actor Bill Murray, but of British actor Billy Murray http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0614854/. Easy to get the wrong impression as the names are the same.

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Gladiator came out during my senior year of high school. I saw it with my friends and all of us had just finished our 4th year of Latin class and participation in Latin club and associated competitions. I feel we would have enjoyed it more if we didn’t know as much about Ancient Rome and it’s history, customs, geography, etc.