#284: Pilot-able Giant Robots

Voltron is 5. Titans are like 5000

Oh pssssst!
Knight crew of 1
Warhounds crew of 3
Reavers 4
Warlords 7
Emperor/Imperator…you may have a point (55 troops in each leg for close in defense)

Aren’t there like garrisons inside/on the titans and stuff? I know there is in Stompas and they’re Titan size

Power armor vs Mechs: To me a mech is piloted via controls ie: joysticks, foot pedals, etc. Powerarmor is control by amplifying your motion to do the same thing.

Okay, you talk Gundam and you lure me back here.

First issue is the Gundam shows and in what order they go in and stuff so I’ll try and lay this all out for anybody who was wondering. Now don’t be put off by how many shows I list. They are all range from enjoyable to very good to great shows.

Starting with the very first show created in Mobile Suit Gundam. It takes place in the Universal Century universe. The other shows that take place in that universe are Zeta Gundam, Double Zeta Gundam, Gundam 0080, GUndam 0083, Victory Gundam, Unicorn Gundam, 8th MS Team, and Gundam F91. There are also Alternate Universe Gundam shows which must take place in their own worlds and are not interconnected.- Gundam Wing and the movie Endless Waltz. G Gundam, Gundam X, Turn A Gundam, Gundam Seed, and Seed Destiny. The newest one is Gundam 00 and the next one announced is Gundam AGE.

As you can tell Gundam is the pretty much Japan’s Star Trek and Star Wars. While Gundam’s themselves might not transform as much the shows have a long list of other machines which do.

And Sean…Tallgeese is not a gundam. Get it right sir.

EDIT-Another great show with mechs people pilot is Code Geass. It has some teen drama but it’s also pretty dark in parts and shows the cost of a revolution. Also some alternate history in the show too. If you wanna know more hit me up in the anime threa

I wouldn’t say the Iron Man suit falls into this category for one reason: it’s not “giant”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also Gundam Unicorn IS out here in the States, it will not be airing on TV but is rather coming out every few months ep by ep on Blu Ray, now I know that seems like a lot for just one ep and I agree so if you are willing to wait a bit the eps go up on the Xbox Live market place. In english dub. Three eps are up right now and it is a beautifully animated show. Sean I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. Here is a link for those who wanted to see a bit of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e3nIB9-fDY

The suit may have a funny name but it’s a pure beast. Love it.

Nope, just Emperor class has the garrisions. Stompas are more “steampunk” except that it’s Orks so more…Orkpunk? Well Ork tech, which 90% of it works on the faith that it will work anyway.

Powerarmor I agree isn’t really a mech. Marine armor, Starship Trooper armor (book NOT MOVIE), Iron Man, Clan Elementals-all really not mechs since it’s more of “clothing” and not something you sit in and then control.

How would the EVA units from Neon Genesis be classified since

They basically are clones of an “Angel” and aren’t machines, but more like cyborgs that link to their pilots as their controllers.

I never watched Thundercats when it was first on but I watched the first four of the new episodes and was very surprised and pleased at how well it was made. Only one complaint I have was the Moby Dick reference.
That was just way too over the top for me.

With respect to shows with arcs and “monster of the week” shows, I think The X-Files did a very good job of mixing stand alone episodes with the story arc shows.

Swear to Crom, Caprica makes a noise that sounds like “snarf,” all the time. Not nasal/whiny. More of a snuffly snarf.


I haven’t watched any Gundam since high school but everything I’ve heard about Gundam Unicorn is so good that I’m going to have to track some down. Not paying for blu ray and don’t have xbox but surely I’ll figure something out.

I beg to differ sir, Tallgeese I is the foundation and blueprint of all the Gundams. It is made from Gundanium and therefore is a Gundam. It was not made by the colonies but still a Gundam. Even the Leo moblie suits which are not made of Gundanium were based on the Tallgeese.

Made from Titanium Alloy duder.


I think you’re mixing and matching Tallgeese and Epyon who is the 6th Gundam http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/OZ-13MS_Gundam_Epyon

no problemo.

GWC is the only place with earnest discussions containing Johnny Cash, Felicia Day and Snarf all in the same package :slight_smile:

Regarding “Detroit Motors”, this weekend is the Woodward Dream Cruise. Lots of burned rubber smell … which is always good.

It’s bloody fantastic and such a good bunch of voice talent.

That image is from last year and I concur that Joanne in real life has the edge over Myka although close call in “Age Before Beauty” when in the grand
Zoë Washburne tradition the slinky dress can make a significant impact:groucho:

I always hesitate to really associate the 1985 Transformers Toy “Jetfire” with the 1985 Transformers Character “Skyfire”. The toy and the character ended up having different names because of a licensing issues, and they didn’t really look anything at all alike. The closest thing you could pin them together with was their colors. That said, I don’t think it’s fair to say that Skyfire would have had a Guardian mode, he was really just a big Autobot that turned into a jet (and not really even the same jet that Jetfire turned into - an F-15ish fighter. Skyfire was something pretty different)


So yeah, I think as a kid I made it work, but it always seems funny to me now.

The best toy EVER. I wish mine was still in one piece.


It almost sounds like the new Voltron is taking a page from Aquarion. So when the lions assemble in a different order do the abilities and powers of Voltron change? That was one of the things I liked about Aquarion, it looked different when the fighters merged in a different order and its powers changed. A friend of mine had the Bandai Voltron toy set, it was cool. It had die cast parts and was very rugged, and it had missiles and stuff that shot from the lions, the only down side was that the Black lion was huge and blocky because it had to become the chest of Voltron,… it sucks when reality gets in the way doesn’t it? The Playmates one was lame, it was all plastic and broke easily.

Show Arcs:

The one show that always comes to mind when people discuss a long formatted arc is of course Babylon 5, it was designed from the start to have a multi season arc and it worked well. When the series outlived its original arc it became a little clunky because no one saw that coming but it was a great series. But they did a wonderful job of including character arcs as well, and stand alone episodes. It also balanced the dark and intense episodes with lighter ones, or had the B story of an episode be humorous to keep things from becoming too depressing. But despite the fact that the show was so effects heavy it never lost focus on its most important asset, its characters. And they all went through Hell, but grew and became stronger people because of their trials.

Warehouse 13 could have easily become a ‘Artifact of the week’ show, but they found a way to change things up and keep it fresh. Eureka could also have become very formulaic but they keep finding fun ways to turn things on their head, and basically redesigning the show almost every season. Anyways I think it all comes down to balance… Don’t go all episodic, have 3-4 episode arcs, don’t go too dark too often and lighten things up with a few fun stand alones. Keep your viewers guessing and happy.


I watched it for awhile… But then got my hands on a copy of the Macross movie, it spoiled me and anyone who watched it with me. We could not stand watching Robotech after seeing how cool the movie was. And I found it ironic that the movie had far more music and songs in it than the series did… And better.

Bolos and Hover Tanks:

Keith Laumer is the author who created Bolos, I was introduced to them in High School by members of the science Fiction club. Along with Power Armor and Berserkers and all things military science Fiction. I loved Bolos and their sense of duty and honor… “For the honor of the Dinochrome Brigade!” :slight_smile: And David Drakes ‘Hammer’s Slammers’ are wicked cool, I have a lot of his books, I love his Military SF. His Roman alt History stuff is cool too, as well as Northworld, Lord of the Isles and more… Being a Vietnam Vet from a armor brigade it is no wonder he can make a reader think he is in the middle of a vicious tank battle…

Supporting Shows:

I can barely stand to watch much television, the constant barrage of commercials is infuriating. And what turns me off the most is when they put them on DURING the show, the frakking GIFs and crap that pop up onto the screen drawing your eyes away from what is really important is unbearable… Watching it online helps cut down the number and length of interuptions, anyways if I find a show I like I wait until it is on DVD and then buy it and watch it ON MY SCHEDULE instead of theirs, I support the show by buying it rather than viewing it in between commercials. I don’t know how much help that is to the show, they are getting my money sure, but they do not get my eyeballs for their viewership tallys.


This cracked me up, Audra asked why we never see any Catmen… I shook my head and laughed, because during the news segment Sean had gone on and on about the new Thundercats show… Come on, Thundercats is full of Catmen! :smiley:

Where’s the Johnny Cash and Fiona Apple talk going on? I missed that!