#278: Ian Chisholm, Clear Skies 3, FSL 3.0 Finals

Machinema magician Ian Chisholm joins us as we discuss his trilogy-completing feature film Clear Skies 3. We present the final round of fantasy sci-fi league 3.0. And we run down the week in geek, including a True Blood update, a cool little-known game called Trenched, the car-building slickness of Forza Motorsport 4, and Audra’s ideas for casting the new He-Man movie.

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Re: Pottermore Disclaimer I take nothing from what Ms. Rowling has accomplished or created. She is entitled to do this. Disclaimer

Given the decriptions she is giving & the limitations of current content on the internet. She is creating…a website.
Fan interaction? Forums
New Content from her world build? blog
Exclusive sales of Potter content: store

She is doing what every successful author out there is doing, just with a lot of fan fare. That’s fine, but don’t claim it’s anything different than what it is.

Goes back to listening

Anyone know where I can get a Sean O’Meter? :oops:

Congrats to Ian! The amount of time and passion put into these movies is mind blowing and inspirational. The Clear Skies movies are around the top of my list for rewatchability. Well Done. :cool:

What bothers me is that very few people know exacTly what Pottermore will be but many already have an opinion on it.

Let’s all just wait for the frakkin launch on July 31st and see for ourselves before forming an opinion one way or another.

I’m sorry, but nothing on the XBox comes even close to Gran Turismo. GT5 is fantastic

It doesn’t change the basic facts of what’s available on a website

That’s two mentions during this FSL, once by name and the other by content… I think that ties my previous record… but no award this time.

Oh well, it was fun and that is the point right? :slight_smile:

And I got to read a lot of very good posts, great job everyone it was an honor to compete with you!

We still have Awards in next weeks cast. Opps…I mean yesterdays cast. :wink:

The character creator was added months ago but is more important now that Incarna’s out. Here’s my character.

I was trying to make her look like Jewel Staite. I didn’t think I got all that close, but I’ve had a couple people say she reminded them of Kaylee, so better than I thought.

Yeah, but you could say the Potter series is ‘just books.’ Let’s see what they’ve done with it.

Just started listening. I saw the first 2 episodes of True Blood and didn’t go back. Now, after listening to the beginning of the cast… Yeah. Not for me unfortunately.


Sounds interesting. I watched the review.

Still listening, but I wanted to make a note that accidents do occur in animation, probably more so now that it’s mostly computer-based. E.g., Derpy Hooves from My Little Pony (although she’s now drawn that way intentionally, due to her popularity with fans.)

There is an old anime, the name of which sort of escapes me… I think it is ‘Mai the Super Girl’ or Maya or something like that, (I am sure FastCart can illuminate us on the correct name of it) from the 80’s anyways one of the things that was so novel about it was that they actually created a blooper reel for the ending credits. :smiley:

It was hysterical! You got to see scenes from the movie where characters slipped or their stunts went awry or parts of the ‘sets’ collapsed, or they flubbed their lines, it was quite novel and I have seen nothing like it since.

The closest I have seen to that was a collection of clips from Shrek where you got to see animation mistakes, like where the hair, fur or other textures did not adhere to the model correctly.

I don’t have enough hints to pinpoint the title (I’m guessing it’s not A-ko), but quite a few anime series did that in the 80s and 90s. Not so much recently unfortunately.

Wait, was it All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku?

No it was part of Rumiko Takashi’s universe, I don’t think it was any of his Rumic World series but it was one of his creations. I have a video of it in storage somewhere…

She was a bounty hunter and had a sidekick that was a fox with multiple tails (probably based on the old Kitsune legend) that could create illusions with said tails.

Red vs. Blue did that, although they would use voice acting mistakes and animate them as if the characters were the ones screwing up.

Maris the Chojo (AKA The Supergal). I haven’t seen it in ages.

Ah yes, very funny flick. She is from a heavy gravity planet and in order to function on a normal gravity planet she needs to wear a control harness to counter act her strength and density. And so when she needs to kick butt on one of her assignments she takes it off and wreeks havoc.

But in one scene you find out her parents are very dysfunctional, she gets a call from an angry shop owner. Her drunk of a Father does not maintain his harness properly and he wound up causing damage at a store where he was shopping for booze. Poor girl… :frowning: