#277: Fantasy Sci-Fi League 3.0, Round 3

We fly through the third round of FSL 3.0. And we run down the week in geek, including the premiere of Outcasts, yet more new Futurama, a possible Wargames “reboot,” discussion of the latest Planet of the Apes and Trnasformers trailers, and lots more! Next week: a special GWC episode covering the newly-released Clear Skies 3 machinima, set in the Eve universe.

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Link to the NASA lander test I was referring to this week:


Oh, and Michael Ironside also played General Lane in Smallville and voiced Darkseid in Justice League and JLU, so he has a bunch of comic book stuff credibility too.

EDIT: I literally did the “You’re not wrong, Magneto.” bit at the end.

Just as a note on Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, it’s not so much a reboot but a reimagining/remake of the fourth film from the original series Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes.

I am hoping that Pottermore will be a massively interactive encylcopedia and social experiance, a way for fans to go even deeper down the rabbit hole than before. The way I am envisioning it is that beside just the site itself if you have an e-version of a book you will be able to link it with the site (for a fee I am sure) and the book will be full of hyperlinks that you can click on and it will allow you to dive deep into back information on characters, locations, items, monsters and so forth.

It would be really cool if it would include interactive 3D models and tours of Hogwarts and so forth. But this would be a huge undertaking of course and god only knows how much bandwith and so on.

I am also hopeful that the new Microsoft Kinect or the Sony ‘Move’ accessories (you know,the ones with the clown noses) will allow a Harry Potter game where players can gesture and create spells or duel with wands.

EDIT: I literally did the “You’re not wrong, Magneto.” bit at the end.

Ha! Same here. Exactly how Chuck said it too, right?

Great podcast guys.

What’s the status of this week’s episode? I don’t normally worry about this, but I can’t think of any times where an episode’s been this late.

Me too . You guys are so prompt :confused:… hope everything is good and that you just had too much fun on 4th of July Weekend!

Fortunately, now you can. :smiley:

Chuck said on Twitter that it’ll be out tomorrow morning.

Okay … so this means I am behind with not being on the GWC twitter feeds. Thanks for the update, and it means I will have some great content going into the weekend :smiley:

[b]Vote for your favorite GWC Podcast #277 quote!


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and you can still vote for your favorite GWC Podcast #2 quote: http://forum.galacticwatercooler.com/showthread.php?t=13791

and you can still vote for your favorite overall GWC Podcast #261 - GWC Podcast #270 quote: http://forum.galacticwatercooler.com/showthread.php?t=13758