#276: News Show, FSL 3.0 Round 2

We got a little carried away running down the week in geek this week, including some non-spoilery X-Men: First Class discussion, a recommendation of Tiger and Bunny, Chuck’s late-to-the-show comments on completing Mass Effect 2 and finally watching the end of Caprica, thoughts on the significance of San Diego Comic Con in terms of promotion and geekdom, Sean’s description of Duke Nukem Finally-Released (“they were able to pick up the turd out of the toilet”), and much love for IBM’s 100th birthday. Also, we hear round two of fantasy sci-fi league 3.0.

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Hey Chuck, just to let you know at about the 34 minute mark when you play the first call, I don’t hear anything. It’s just dead air for about a minute. :slight_smile:

ETA: I am streaming it from the blog page, so I don’t know if it’s just me or if other peeps will have the same problem.

Acknowledged. We’re fixing it now. Stand by! :smiley:

Article I was referring to in our news(noooooooooos!) segment:


Mass Effect 2 Voice Cast video


They pulled a Jimmy with William Adama?

It’s sad to admit, but had not made the connection that EDI was voiced by Tricia Helfer. Turning in my geek card (again).

Oh, and there is a way to keep Tali from getting exiled without giving the evidence of what her father did. I did it that way every time I played.

And you can sneak into Hock’s bedroom without the balcony. I don’t remember how off the top of my head, but you can.

EDIT: Oh, and one time on the final battle, I killed the Reaper Terminator with a Warp.

Oh, and how long until Juan becomes a full time (remote) member of the Crew? He’s been in the news segment for the last few episodes.

Ironically I am starting my play through of ME2 this week hopefully, as I wanted to finish my last play through of ME1, which ended up taking a lot longer than I thought. But at least I got every last damn one of those League of One Medallions, God damn it.

Re: Hock’s bedroom. It’s been a while since I’ve played, but I think it has something to do with speech manipulating the guards and the head of guards (but you need to set it up first so they’ll give you that speech option, or something like that.)

me too! Love 'em warps.

“You really need to get with Jesus, brah.”


You made me think of a new drinking game, every time someone on Dog the Bounty Hunter says ‘Brah’ you have to do a shot. :smiley:

Watched some Tiger and Bunny on HULU, pretty slick. Thanks for the heads up on it.:slight_smile:

Come to think of it that would make Dog would be better if you took a shot on “Brah”

Yep liking Tiger and Bunny as well even though it’s a subtitle type of thing. Still great action though.

I love playing as a biotic in ME2 also. How god-like you are as a biotic depends on difficulty level. If you play on anything easier than hardcore, most enemies have no armors/shields/barriers so all of your abilities toss people around like a rag doll. The waves of husks are nothing to even a weak shockwave. On hardcore, everything has at least one form of armor, shields, or barrier and your abilities are far less god-like. You’re forced to actually fight off the husks and you tend to choose your team by who you expect to fight, i.e. fire for armor, overload for shields, etc… Not knocking it though. Some times I go back and play at a slightly easier setting just so I can be a god like that. It’s so much fun decimating against enemies that have no chance.


That’s awesome that you finally watched the end of Caprica. I know I’m in the GWC minority, but I loved the show—although I recognize its flaws. When Kevin Murphy took over as Show Runner it really got A LOT better, and I think that’s what your seeing in those last set of episodes.

That last epilogue part in the finale --where they jump ahead a year (I think a year?), I know that as you said it LOOKS like they did that because they knew the show was ending and desired to kind of put a wrap up to it.
But interestingly, that turns out NOT to be the case at all.
If you listen to Show Runner Kevin Murphy on the commentary of the finale (on the DVDs), that epilogue montage was meant just as is and they had no idea that there would be no 2nd season. Again, I know it LOOKS like it’s down with cancellation as a done deal, but nope. That montage was there to get them to events they’d planned for season 2. In fact even the commentary itself was done with no knowledge they they were gonna be canceled.

Also, interesting, here’s the reason for the William and Bill Adama. They made mistake in the age of young William Adama when they conceived and cast Caprica. If Willy Adama was that age, then Commander William Adama would have been I guess pretty old. So to correct their error, they killed off young Willy Adama. And the newborn son born a year latter they named Bill Adama.

You guys are making me think it is time for another playthough and to challenge myself to play a Biotic. First I need to finish Portal tho…not a lot of free time with the 3 month old Baby Tightpants!

I still haven’t finished ATARI’s Adventure. Chuck’s sad trombone IYKWIM

I just made it up to Portal level 18 on Father’s Day. I’m looking forward to completing the journey before I take off on for the 4th of July. It’s like Tetris for the XBox or maybe even PC solitaire for the Xbox. I love it.

~Shooter Out

I loved that show too, warts and all. sigh

I wonder when they realized the age mistake though - I mean, through most of the season, I’ve had these moments where I felt the portrayal of William in Caprica conflicted with the Bill Adama in BSG, like I had a completely different idea of what Bill as a child would be like. So for me, the reveal at the end that Bill wasn’t the William we’ve been seeing in S1 made a lot more sense to me, and that how Bill thinks of his father works better if he was born after Joseph’s more morally vague, so to speak.

That’s a good question. I’ll have to go back and listen to commentary in the ep where Willy dies (is that the last one?).

Yeah, the first Willy Adama seems to have a pretty good relationship with Joseph. Whereas we can speculate that Bill Adama did not (which is consistent with BSG).

As I mentioned some time back though, the Adama age screw up was a pretty stupid one…and …although I do love the show…it’s just one more sign that some poor thinking happened in the conception of the show.

Not baggin’ on Caprica, but I honestly can’t remember whether I watched the finale.