#271: News & Voicemail Show

We catch up on some listener voicemails and run down the week in geek, including the delay of Mass Effect 3, Chuck’s fifth (and final) season pickup, SyFy’s “open letter” to Stargate fans, the X-Prize contest to create a medical tricorder, some crazy new iPhone app ideas, and the scary and mysterious toe thumb. In short: we shoot the crap and have a lot of fun doing it.

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We had so much fun recording this podcast. I thought you might like to see a little of what I saw from my chair while we were recording.

Here’s Audra losing it during one of the many “new iPhone app” discussions:

Here’s Sean telling it like it is:

And here’s Juan. He’s on the right. The monitor on the left is running a cart deck:

Hope you enjoy.

Greatest news segment ever! Can’t wait to get a tricorder. :groucho:

Oh, my Crom! This was one of the most fun podcasts, EVER. I was crying from laughing so hard. I hope other folks enjoy, too. :slight_smile:

Just finished the cast, now I need to wipe the tears from laughing off my face. And my sides hurt! Great dick-all cast!

ETA: And I’ll never look at anyone’s iPhone the same way anymore. Nor touch one either! Bwahahaha!

When I input a fingerprint ID for added security, rather than a (toe-)thumb I will often use a ball. Just like snowflakes, no two are the same…or is that only two are the same? :oops: This provides added security 1)because no one thinks about that possibility and 2)fingerprints are easier to steal. :wink: I hear that Disneyland uses fingerprint scanners now. It’s worth a shot, what could go wrong? :shifty:

Juan, you’re getting closer to being a Futurama-style head in a jar all the time!

I am anticipating many awkward laughter moments on the bus in my near future.

First hour in and man, what a fun ep. Sounds like everyone is having a blast. Grat job guys. and thanks for getting this one out so early. Now I’m thouroughly drunk on Saturday night enjoying the heck outta the cast.

Never doubt a women’s intuition.
Great cast. Believe the hype.
J-SAC, the artists formerly known as GWC.

How geeky is this, last night I saw that the mention about the medical tricorder - I ended up dreaming about a design and thought to myself in my dream to memorise a part of the design so that I could remember it when I woke up…Strange thing is that I did. - How sad is that.

Let’s all cross our fingers and hope the ipod hookup in the zipcar I have this afternoon works (about a 50-50 chance) so I can listen to the cast on my drive to and from Baltimore.

Fingers crossed, but I’ll warn ye. You’ll be laughing so hard you’ll be crying…be prepared!

Why not “womance”?

Do you mean the Iprod?

Man those candid shots are not my best angle. Hat hair, hadn’t shaved, then theres the whole chin position thing. Ack! … at least I don’t have toe thumb I suppose.

All right, everybody: Here’s the word!

According to the Grandmaster Flash OED, “lasso” can be pronounced LA-sso (the best rhyming word is @$$hole - sorry!) or la-SOO (like in a sneeze - Ach-OO). It seems the latter pronunciation is more common among the British (and apparently, Canadians like Juandrew, StevieSpin, and people who grew up along the border, like me. :wink:

The guys’ pronunciation of LA-sso is the more common American pronunciation, but both are considered valid.

Fraggle dance Yay! I’m not a weirdo! Or at least, I’m not a lone weirdo!

You can hear both pronunciations at Merriam Webster’s page:

(And see attached toe-thumbnail for OED definition)

Loooooved this Podcast!!! Just laidback and funny as hell.

Juan, did you watch the Canadian Prince and Princess get married. Did they throw Captain Crunch, or dip his arms into the butterscotch pudding…as is tradition? Was it a great day in Canada, and therefore the world? (ask Sean if you don’t get it)

Sean - I have three things to say…Cuba Gooding, Jr., Djimon Hountsu, and Ving Rhames :smiley:

Audra - No bukkake theater? :smiley:

And finally Chuck - what else can I say but…bang, bang, bangidy, bang, bang…

Operator: Best. Siggy quotes. Evar!! LOLOL

“…and then you’ve got Barney Rubble, who’s kind of a choad” - Rev. Sean - cast 270

“Curse your sudden but inevitable suckage!” - Baconface, GWC Meetup 2010

“Megan Fox Toe Thumb, discuss” - Rev. Sean, Podcast #271

Are they the best …FOR YOU TO POOP ON? :smiley:

You guys are hilarious!

sgu. i miss it.

On the ratings measurement discussion - most things I watch not on dvr (don’t have one) but on legal streaming services (Hulu, Netflix, channel website). Are they counted in any way? Most people I know in my demographic do the same thing, and a lot of us keep having our shows get cancelled. Even though we watch the commercials they put on the streaming stuff, where applicable…

Red Dwarf. Found it boring (though I watched it all). Didn’t like Seinfeld either. I liked B5, but I think part of that was because I could watch it all at once, without having to wait for new episodes.

oh, Wikipedia. GWC’s more reliable. You have to love it when you try to figure out where a student got a cockamamie idea from, only to google it and see that some idiot has put the wrong information in Wikipedia. (this is, of course, leaving aside the issue that they aren’t supposed to use Wikipedia…) I have stories…

This Spanish speaker enjoyed the picante/caliente distinction. Next time, you can joke about being exitado, too :stuck_out_tongue:

There is an NPR Talk of the Nation Science Friday podcast :slight_smile: I’m not sure how far back their archives go, but I too listened to the Sagan one in the Fall and enjoyed it.