#262: Bonus Time Travel

You are clearly the author of many cunning plans, Kolias. Stealing a time machine from your smartypants neighbor is perfect.

In terms of getting cash for starting your evil deeds in the 1930s:
Gold in real terms (economics-speak for inflation-adjusted value) is not quite at its historic peak right now, but it is close. However, you don’t need to care about that. Go back in time wearing a piece of decent jewelry that you own (or steal, since you’re being Evil) and sell it for your initial capital once you arrive. Then invest that capital in something that will grow in value through compound interest as well as inflation. With 80 years to grow, your money will about double.

Other quick-money time travel antics: sell that jewelry for enough cash to go purchase a painting by one of the great artists when s/he was still alive. Van Gogh comes to mind because he was prolific and broke most of his life so you could get a real bargain. Then bring it back with you to your own time and sell it at auction.

Another one: go back to the 1950s and buy up most of Central Florida for cheap. Sell to Walt in 1960s.

Better: Buy up central Florida for cheap, and when Walt come in in the 1960s tell him you won’t sell unless he vows to never lobby Congress for copyright extensions.

I guess as an evil Genius, I would go back and purchase multiple winning lottery tickets! I would rename my last name as Hershey. I would then help fund Then help fun Bill Gates, and Cisco Networking systems and convince them to relocate.
Then since there would be no morals, I would purchase a in 1980 go and blow up the fault line and sink California. Then I would travel back to the future and do some research on where the new beach front property is. I would go back before the failure of the fault line and and purchase all the land I could in the correct areas. Using the money I get from that disaster, I would then fund the internet. I would then re-invest in cable companies. I would as a beginning start setting up world banks to get them internet ready early. I would also go through and help the governments of the world get set up for an internet before it was born. Then get nato set up as such. I would also get so internet crimes be punished severely though these agreements. I would have it so the prosecutions extend beyond borders. Once everyone got conferable with internet and computers. People would start refering to this brand of internet as the “Hershey Highway of information” I would try get them in every home and having people do international business with them. I would shut it down along with causing hidden bugs to shut down every computer in the world. Causing the stock market to crash in every international busness.