#26: VHS Conversion Story, PS3 Analog Sticks

In this bonus episode we tell the tale of what’s probably the most Rube Goldberg VHS conversion you’ve ever heard — “Step 1: Recompile ffmpeg” — resulting in Chuck recovering a copy of an old Super8 film he shot 20 years ago. And we take a listener call from the UK resulting in a discussion of the move from Firefox to Chrome, a concave vs. convex debate regarding the PS3′s analog sticks, and an expression of our faith in the future of podcasting. Remember: You can call in your questions/comments at 214.296.9229!

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Ok, you finally pushed me over the cliff to switch from Firefox to Chrome. The memory it burned with sometimes over 500.000 K was way too much.
I was also clinging onto FF mostly due to the familiarity and Plug-Ins. Searched the Google App-Store and for the most part would similar ones. One I’m still missing is an RSS-Reader like Sage which displays a list of the articles in a sidetab (like FF history) and the rest of the screen hast the articles compact displayed.

Since you also mentioned Zotero Chuck, I would be interested to hear a segment about citation software. Before I used Zotero in FF, but a few weeks ago I tried out Mendeley, which is a Desktop based software with nearly all the features as Zotero.

Oooh! Oooh! Me, too! I’m likely going to be starting school in the fall for the first time in 6 years. And doing all that stuff right rather than just passing it to the copy editor will once more be my responsibility. Curses.