#256: Artificial Intelligence, Part I

Just a couple minutes in, but a bit of hair between the lips and chin is a soul patch.

Hair on the bottom of the chin (which may extend up to the lips) is a van dyke.

Soul Patch (left) by ChurchHatesTucker, on Flickr

And they have a plan.

Still plowing through the cast, but the Jeopardy-bot is Watson.

(There is, unfortunately, a lot of things named Watson.)


cast wasn’t released until 2 am my time and i didn’t get a chance to check online this morning, already 3 pages? woah

well I can comment on the comments I suppose, if memory serves there was a black character in Neil Gaiman’s The Eternals.

regarding the “soul patch” we just referred to t’eulc when he had a golden coloured one as “captain catapiller”.

I’ll comment further onc eI’ve listened to the 'cast, I’m walking in and out of work this week so can listen in 25 minute chunks.
on the “will load it on to a random mp3 player in the next 238 nseconds” ID

If people aren’t aware, the is an AI just a keystroke away called Cleverbot. I recently had the chance to sit down and interview it.
User: Greetings

Cleverbot: No, greetings to you.

User: How are you?

Cleverbot: Good, how are you?

User: Great! How would you define artificial intelligence?

Cleverbot: Being able to recognize and analyze. how would you define intelligence?

User: Realizing there is no spoon

Cleverbot: An artificial ‘intelligence’ making Matrix references. This is interesting.

User: Is there a god?

Cleverbot: Why won’t you talk about yourself?

User: Cake or death?

Cleverbot: Death.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Life is death.

User: You got pretty dark there.

Cleverbot: No. Is your name Hannah Montana?

User: You are cleverbot, not randombot

Cleverbot: I am not cleverbot. That’s a stupid name.

User: Chuck, Sean or Audra?

Cleverbot: Sean? Who is it?

User: Sean O’Hara. He is my homie.

Cleverbot: Ok, then my name is Cleverbot.

User: Good talking to you.

Cleverbot: Where are you going?

I hate to say it, but without the labels I’d have a hard time judging that one.

In the most recent podcast Audra quoted Albert Eintein " Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Please note the same definition can aply to Congress.

I have to agree with Kate Mulgrew on the introduction of Seven of Nine - and let’s say that I love Seven of Nine. As the writing improves for her character in Voyager, also, the camerawork improves. I noted when I was watching Voyager through (thread here) that there were a number of episodes where she’s shot in such a way to emphasize her feminine attributes; however, after those episodes there is definitely a point where the camera work started focusing on her face, and stopped shooting her in a relatively low-angle shot.

Then again, I’m a person who has serious issues with the fetishization of Slave Leia. That said I wonder if Sean is selling short the suckiness of the representation of the exploitation of women - I would disagree that people automatically disregard women wearing slightly sexual costume, but when there’s a systemic way of portraying women, one gets tired of it.

(still listening…)

Excelent cast again. I am no expert on AI, but I can fill you in on the film called A.I. Shame Stanley Kubrick died, as he was going to direct it after Steven Spielberg declined. I think it would have been a vastly different, and much darker film if he had.

Actually, I think that was me. One of my favorite quotes he ever said. Makes sense to me. However it was quoting someone intelligent which is normally Audra’s bailiwick so I can understand thinking it was Audra :wink:

And I quite agree on the congress thing.

I remember in one of my early A.I programming classes, we had to do a program based on decision making. I believe the code was Prolog. Being the geek that I am, I did it on mythological creatures.

On a side note, I’m terrible at growing breads so I usually end up with stubble or hamster style beards (all on the cheeks). It’s the bit between the mustache and the chin, never grows right shakes fist

One of my favorite moments from TNG which is highly relevant to this topic:


Here is the link to the Trek Today story with Kate Mulgrew, full interview linked there: http://www.trektoday.com/content/2011/01/mulgrew-the-arrival-of-seven-of-nine/

I have to disagree the with the Captain on this one. She says that sexuality was brought into Voyager, but was it really? 7 of 9 was damn hot, but she was an almost completely non-sexual character. Looking hot, is not the same as “bringing in sex”. The raitings improved because 7 of 9 was a great character and overall the show got better in many ways. The show wasn’t any more sexual then before, and 7’s character didn’t get into any sexual story lines up unitl the very end.
The problem was the costume. If she wore a starfleet uniform then it would be a non-issue.
I can see why she was annoyed though. Before 7, Janeway was the face of that show, afterwords 7 became the most recognisable character/face. But like I said, its the costume, not the character.

Chuck, You were say how in 50s Touring thot that if a machine had 10-to-the-sixth-power bytes of memory it should be able to pass the Touring test. And that that’s about 125 Mybtes.
And you said that an iPhone4 holds 2x that already.

Correcting you (not to be dick but to illustrate just how dramatic a technology level we’re at today). And iPhone 4 apparently holds 16 Gigabytes or 32 Gigabytes.
So that means iPhone4’s have a 1000 times more memory than is needed for the Touring test. (but maybe you were talking about RAM memory not storage memory —in which case I’ll shut up now ).

Another interesting tidbit. I heard an interesting interview on NPR about the human brain and decision making. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=122854276 An interesting thing I learned was that the human brain can really only handle about 7 things in it’s frontal lobe at one time.

Love that. I think that may be my favorite TNG ep of all.
No space battles, no phasers. Not explosions. No aliens. But still pure thotfull Star Trek at its core.

High-speed RAM, Thot. Not long-term storage.

“I can ADD.” – Kevin Bacon, Apollo 13


Ha! Sorry Chuck. :stuck_out_tongue: The average joe doesn’t know what RAM is, but I forgot for a second that you’re a hard-core computer guy. (Embarrassed).

A slightly more cerebral episode (abstract discussions which will pay off along the arc) but it may say a lot about me that all I got out of it was the evil Wall-E complete with goatee in an Pixar sequel:)
I really did burst out laughing when Audra thought that beauty up:D

I have to disagree the with the Captain on this one. She says that sexuality was brought into Voyager, but was it really? 7 of 9 was damn hot, but she was an almost completely non-sexual character. Looking hot, is not the same as “bringing in sex”

I don’t think that Mulgrew meant that the character was sexually active (and this is Trek so interactions between men and women are going to be fairly chaste and only go so far) but I think that it’s fair to say that 7 Of 9 was intended to appeal to fans of the show as an object of desire.

This is balanced out by the fact that 7 Of 9 was a cool character with interesting storylines, and that her arrival really jump-started the show. But, I can still see Mulgrew’s point. Would the character have gotten the same amount of attention if she hadn’t been put in form-hugging bodysuits?

What Sean said about Dr. Quinn had me laughing so much I had to lean over and hug my ribs. That show was so “after-school special” and it only got worse as the seasons went on. But I still watched it.

Not all humans! Males can only think of “things” in multiples of two. If I was thinking about seven Seven’s I would actually have fourteen things on my mind. IYKWIM :wink:

Next weeks topic: How will A.I.'s reproduce and what will the pron look like?

Don’t forget about The Falcon(alias Sam “Snap” Wilson), member of the Avengers and first African-American superhero, Blank Panther was African from the fictional country of Wakanda