#252: 2010 Wrap-Up

During the cast, the crew talked a little bit about what we are each looking forward to in the coming year. In 2011, I’m looking forward to two big Marvel comic book movies: “Thor” and “Captain America”. Every Marvel comic book movie that comes out from now on is part of the slow build up to the big “Avengers” movie in 2012, which will star Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, and the Hulk all together in the same film. Clearly, the evil geniuses at Marvel are plotting a five-year-plan for movie domination and the comic book fan in me wants to see if they can pull off their big scheme on the big screen.

To be fair - my major news is the ol gay crush of

A RIDDICK 4 Movie - I am so there!! MEGA SEANSCREAM

It is my mission to get all buffed up and dressed up as RIDDICK for halloween - googles and contacts…Watch this space.

Cowboys and Aliens. Which is not surprising. But now a roomful of my coworkers are also looking forward to Cowboys and Aliens because I put it on my department’s July calendar and our boss decided that we should check out the trailer. :smiley:

As Audra mentioned that the “M” of Jesus M Christ stands for the Bavarian name “Manfred” I had to think. Manfred isn’t really a typical Bavarian name like Xaver, Alois, Sepp or Korbinian. lol
Manfred is Germanic for “Mann des Friedens” = “Man of Peace”
And what the hell was the summing/singing of Alp monks that I heard in the cast?? :smiley:

That third musical notething reminds me of that Futurama episode “Where the Buggalo Roam.” but then again, most things remind me of something from Futurama, or, failing that, The Simpsons.

The discussion about geek contraction isn’t valid as a cultural shift, of course, but I do think that comic book movies will lose some steam here. We’ve got The Dark Knight Rises in 2012, but the rest of the movies coming out aren’t top-tier. It’s hard to see Superman making a triumphant comeback (though it is possible), Spider-Man’s reboot isn’t coming very long after Spider-Man 3’s spectacular failure (though i think it will do well), and what about the rest? Green Lantern, Green Hornet, Captain America, Thor… these movies are going to start to blur together for anyone who isn’t a devoted fan, and I think Joss Whedon’s going to be the one left holding the bag when uberfilm The Avengers doesn’t mean incredibly lofty expectations (though if he turns out a great movie it may not matter). Iron Man doesn’t have Jon Favreau coming back and it’s a crossroads for that series as well.

I’m really just crossing my fingers that Game of Thrones will give fantasy a shot in the arm on screen media.

I hate when shows “get going” in the second season and then get canceled and everyone is disappointed. I mean, if you’re making a multi-million dollar show, shouldn’t you have a good idea as to what would make the show great? I’m not aying shows can’t or shouldn’t get better, but shouldn’t these shows become more fleshed-out before airing? Everyone was real into Dollhouse in its second season, but by that point I’d been embarrassed out of watching it due to the absolutely brutal early episodes.

There is an unfortunate and ugly side of being part of geek culture, too, which is that geeks are generally more tech-savvy, and their tastes are reflected mroe accurately, generally speaking, in the pirate numbers than the legitimate ones. Seeing films like Kick-Ass (which I thought most certainly did) do just kind of okay at the BO but burn up the piracy charts is infuriating. The world of entertainment is a great democracy, and if you’re not participating in it by paying for content, you’re undermining the very things you enjoy.

And Amazon MP3 is so much more awesome than iTunes.

Great cast! Sean’s stories of Fable 3 have me interested in checking it out down the line whereas before i wass less than entusiastic about it. Something about taking someone by the hand to a secluded spot so they can be offed just sounds awesome.

I’m just picturing the scene, a glowing fire, good company and the world of troubles outside the window as you watch “Are You Being served?”, you know that’s just too funny for this guy who watched the show as a kid:D

There is an unfortunate and ugly side of being part of geek culture, too, which is that geeks are generally more tech-savvy, and their tastes are reflected mroe accurately, generally speaking, in the pirate numbers than the legitimate ones. Seeing films like Kick-Ass (which I thought most certainly did) do just kind of okay at the BO but burn up the piracy charts is infuriating. The world of entertainment is a great democracy, and if you’re not participating in it by paying for content, you’re undermining the very things you enjoy.

That is a very good way of looking at it. I always say, vote with your dollar, it’s the most powerful vote you get.
Piracy seems like another one of the major reasons for the popularity (as in number) of 3D films, weather the movie needs it or not.

I have to disagree. I’m not responsible for monetizing your intellectual monopoly.

That said, Kick Ass plays much better on the big screen. I was surprised it didn’t do better. (But then, I said the same thing about Scott Pilgrim and Speed Racer.)

I’m 22, I have a good job, few expenses, and I could potentially pay for all the media I consume. That being said…I buy blurays when they’re on sale. If I don’t care enough about a film to care about special features I’m going to pirate it. Chances are if I don’t care about the special features I didn’t care enough to see it in theaters. There’s exceptions based on time conflict/friend interest (A-team) but they’re rare.

If I can get music freely and easily(IE the main place I go and just searching)I’m gonna do that. If I can’t get it there I’ll buy it. Music is…So less a package in my mind than movies or tv is. There’s no added benefit of owning music. You know?

unless an artist allows you to through a specific copyright, such as creative commons, what gives you the right to acquire their intellectual property without paying for it? much like you outlined with blu-ray, i pay what i feel things are worth. i don’t pay “MSRP” or other inflated values unless i feel a product is worth that rate. if something is too expensive, like a $60 video game, i wait until it reaches a price i am comfortable with.

i think it is a shame that music is difficult to convince people to pay for. if someone wants to give away their music that’s fine, but everyone needs money to live, and whether it’s a world-famous rock band or a local indie group, i’m going to support them with my hard-earned cash because i don’t expect to receive no pay for my work, either.

we won’t know the exact total, but one can make educated guesses as to how well a given movie might have done if people hadn’t rationalized theft to watch it at their own leisure and at no additional cost.

i’m not trying to defend a corrupt system of distribution, but i am saying that taking something without paying for it is wrong, and it directly impacts the publisher and creator view of success, which has an impact on your likelihood to see similar products in the future.

In other type of geek new, that should be of interest to Chuck (as well as me) The 2012 US Grand Prix course for the Formula One Series has started construction in Austin, TX!


BTW, based on the elevation chart, that first turn reminds me of the approach to The Corksrew at Laguna Seca

it has always been my opinion that F1 should be at Watkins Glen or road america. so I hope this new course is on par with those…

How many F1 fans are there here in GWCville?

The Corkscrew is one of the great sequence of corners in the world, the camera footage both trackside and incar has always been startling and I still remember Zinardi pulling off a miracle during the CART days.

F1 on one of the few “big” US race tracks has always been my preference, the Indianapolis races were always a bit of a mickey mouse bodge job.
I’ve been raised on F1 and watch it religiously but it ain’t the most entertaining 4 wheel motorsport and it’s so full of itself and myriad in politics and over indulgence it’s true soul has long since been lost.

Until 5 years ago I’ve watched F1 races regularly but since then mostly lost interest since there are few overtakes and if the cars touch each other very lightly they mostly either spin out of control or get damaged.
I enjoy the WTCC (World Touring Car Championship) a lot more since the races are much shorter and there is much action going on the tracks. Also minus Briattore and Ecclestone.



The WTCC is good racing, maybe a little too over the top in enforcing some “driving incidents” which is why I edge towards the more rough and tumble BTCC and SuperV8’s. That said the WTCC has been broadcast in HD for the last couple of years and looks gorgeous making the F1 and other motorsport coverage in the UK look poor:)
In terms of open wheel I’ll take Indycar as it is now over F1, it’s just more fun to watch.

I gave the Enterprise pizza cutter as a gift this year. it was very well received.

It was larger and sturdier than I expected from seeing the photos. I’m kinda jealous now. :slight_smile:

I got it from my Secret Santa in the GWC gift exchange. I love it! I is larger and more solid than I expected. You should has a jealous! :smiley:

I find this to be a common attitude for people of your generation. I’m about ten years older than you and I can remember a time before the internet made people think all content should be free.

I know there is a lot of content out there these days and money is tight for most , but if you want to check something out before shelling out the money you should borrow or rent it. Then if you enjoy it and you want a copy you should pay for it.

Well said!

Apologies for not commenting more recently, but Christmas has been one I will never forget, with my two year old daughter dislocating her arm, hot water pipes freezing, and my wife and I catching the lurgy. Just listened to the cast today, while at work ofcourse (makes going to work far more pleasant), and was grinning like a maniac that I was mentioned (co-workers wondered why I was suddenly so cheerful!) my tweet about Battle Los Angeles. Yeah, it may have Michelle Rodriguez in her typical tough girl role, but when it was described as Black Hawk Down meets Independence Day, I was sold…

Have to add: heeled platform boots/shoes are always useful for gigs. Having an extra 8" ensures I can the band!

Also, this is for Chuck, the Garrisson UK created their own Iron Man suit:

Shortly after it was taken, I saw Warwick Davis, who was also at the Movie Mania Weekend that year, ask to shake Iron Man’s hand. As Warwick Davis commented: “I’ve starred in loads of movies, but shaking Iron Man’s hand has made my day”.