#249: Tron, Part I

We discuss art, artificial intelligence, and ’80s hacker movies with a re-watch of Tron in preparation for next week’s Tron Legacy release. And we run down the week in geek, including a Chuck fan who changed his name to Captain Awesome, selenology fail and robot awesomeness in the new Transformers 3 trailer, commentary on Halo’s Noble map pack, Conan’s return to the Barbarian title, and hope for a possible Wachowski-envisioned Robin Hood flick.

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FYI - iTunes downloaded it numbered #248, but with correct content.

I second that :smiley:

That’s probably because I b0rkrd the title first time 'round. I fixed it and pinged iTunes, so hopefully it’ll update soon(ish).

I’m so glad I didn’t post to Audra about dolphin blow holes. I still feel bad for giving Chuck crap about Star Trek that time, but felt it wouldn’t be fair to exclude Audra from the wrath of my technical correctness. d:

I loved how Sean managed elucidate the nebulous mystery of what THE CylonMATRIX is at (1h:27m:30s) into the podcast. Thank you, Sir! :cool:

Sorry (The Sean Correction Hour) Red Steel = Real Steel, my bad.

The best kind of correct (someone had to say it)

Oh, I thought you meant REMINGTON STEELE. :smiley:

~Shooter Out

PS - Cant’s wait to check out Real Steel.

Edited To Include: Audra, my bad. I had no idea you had said the same thing in the cast. I feel about “this small” (Chuck thumb and pinky gesture).

I’m almost disappointed that Audra didn’t try to say “It’s a Trap” while she podcasted with a cold. That would have been a golden moment. =)

Great cast guys! I loved Audra’s description of the city lit up at night just like the circuit boards that run it.

~Shooter Out

Oh, by the way, who else heard Captain Awesome’s name (Douglas Allen Smith Jr) and thought of “Mississippi” from the 1966 John Wayne film El Dorado (Allen Bourdillion Traherne)?

~Shooter Out

Just for you, Shooter, since I’m still stuffy/runny/croaky:



Will Smith = I wonder if he’s saying yes (if it’s true), because the last time he said ‘Ah Hell No’ to the W.Bros, the movie became very very successful (although I think it worked out for the best as its easier to see K.Reeves as a emo hacker type dude.

Also, consider Jada as worked for them, he can even the score :slight_smile:

Tron - I loved Tron as a wee lad and loved the arcade game where you have to fight Stark on the podium discs. You can knock out the various rings and block the disc. For the C64, my mother was kind enough to get me the game Raster Runner which was a knockoff of the lightcycle matches. It wasn’t that bad.

Raster Runner

Back in the day on the back of the C64 games, they always showed the best graphics even if that meant using Amiga screenshots. Many a time I fell foul of that trick. I love nowadays, the ads on the screen say ‘Actual Screenshot’.

Chuck/Sean - My son also knows how to work a remote, he can switch his music on the XBMC and on the iphone, he can scroll using his fingers, choose his app (of which there are a few on there), wait for the credits/demo and then press start. It’s scary what they pick up. He even tries to use the scrolling action on my brick of a phone.

My Xbox/360 gift attempt by my mother was a transformer/market stall version. I always wanted a transformer (namely Megatron/Hot Rod/Soundwave or the ones with the stats on their chest). What does my mother get me, a cheap knockoff where it was on wheels and the only transformable part was the wings extended and folded up. Boy was not amused (still said thank you and played with it).

Thankfully my wife got me the death vader/transformer - Which I have to say is not that easy to transform.

I just thought that if Tron Legacy was true to life as soon as you log in/get digitised you would experience the following:

Programs trying to part with your credits
Lots of scantly clad programs (aka porn hooker bots)
People trying to steal your light disc (Identity theft)
Tons of nodes popping up in your face (popup windows).

You would have to be surrounded by sentries all the time :slight_smile:

Oh and about the real life/circuit board - the film Explorers did the same thing when the characters are flying over the circuit board in their dreams.

Would a Tron MMO work?

Wow! The cast got pretty deep this week. However, I did still get my much needed Monday morning laugh, for which I will always be grateful.

As for AI turning out to be evil or not…

Whether you’re talking about Skynet, or Caprica6, I think what most of the far sighted people are actually worried about is, what happens when the artificial life forms become so sophisticated that humanity, as we know it, becomes obsolete? Do we become zoo creatures, or pets, get wiped out like in Terminator, or BSG, or are we able to follow Frank Herbet’s model and evolve to compete? Though I’m sure that and objective observer would say that this was the logical conclusion of natural selection, but if you one of the left over early model humans, I’m sure this appears quite evil.

My uneducated guess is such an MMO would go the way of the Matrix MMO. I can’t justify it with any reasons other than just a hunch, and I’m not sure Tron has enough of a mass appeal to be financially successful as an MMO. Either the developers would scale back the development and the end product would suffer, or they’d dump too much cash into it and not make the cash back fast enough to support itself.

But, maybe I’m just cynical. There’s just so many MMOs already out there and already in development.

On the flip side, I wondered a few days ago whether a Narnia MMO would work. But, I think its biggest competition would be LotRO (Lord of the Rings Online) ironically.

I reserved the right to change my opinion after the new movie(s) releases though. d:

I can hear it now! I can’t wait to update my ringtone when I get home. :smiley:

I hope you feel better soon Awesome One!

~Shooter Out

here’s one up for animal sentience :

Do you know that elephants mourn and bury their dead?

Read about Elephant intelligence here

or you can watch this video :

If you click on the video link, there’s even more stuff on elephant sentience on youtube!

Didn’t they ban thinking machines (even have a war) but if I remember that’s what Mentats are (am I correct?)