#247: Narnia, Part II

We continue our Narnia exploration with a look at Prince Caspian. We take some awesome listener calls. And we run down the week in geek, including Mars Needs Moms, Stephen King’s take on Let Me In, Christian Bale’s possible last Batman flick, the Buffy re-boot, sweet holiday episodes of Eureka, Warehouse 13, and Dr. Who, and a (maybe) upcoming Quantum Leap flick.

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Woot! WOOT I say!

So, following about questions between differences in the movie in the book, re: Audra

  1. Caspian had both a nurse and a tutor. The nurse had told him the stories about Old Narnia, but the tutor was the one who had him escape from the castle and gave him Susan’s horn. He also told some Narnian history.
  2. We never find out in the book why Peter and Susan can’t come back, it gets implied later in Dawn Treader, but we never hear those actual words.
  3. God of the river: In the book, the god of the river turns to Aslan and says “Lord, loose my chains” and then Aslan destroys the bridge. There is no massacre at the bridge. The whole battle happens in front of the How, the Old Narnians have the advantage from the beginning, and the Telemarines suck a$$. Lucy and Susan (Both!) disappear before Peter and Edmund get to the How, go with Aslan and wake up the trees, run around with Bacchus and his Meniads, free some school children, turn others into pigs, rescue Caspian’s Nurse etc.
  4. The Susan/Caspian romance is totally only the movie. Not in the book at all.
  5. And that whole first assault/castle/Peter’s Hubris bit, totally not in the book. I just ask why?
  6. Dwarves were split. Black dwarves went with the White Witch, Red Dwarves were more good. In the end, though, the Dwarves end up going for the Dwarves.

It is sad for Susan that becoming shallow restricts her from Narnia, but wait til the last book. (I’d put the spoiler in that thing where you have to highlight it, but I don’t know how). But I will point out that he doesn’t get rid of Lucy, Lucy still sticks with the Narnia club after leaving in Dawn Treader, and if you get to Last Battle, she is there with Polly again. I wouldn’t take it as a thing against women, but rather that the very mundane things that Susan takes interest in are things that would take her away from the religion (Which when you read the end of Dawn Treader, it is very clear that Aslan is Jesus in Narnia).

Aslan as God:
Aslan is kind of active in TLTWTW, Not as big in Caspian as it was in the movie, but it’s bloody huge there at the end of Dawn Treader, and then he doesn’t show up at all in any book (with the exception of being there in The Magican’s Nephew). He is there kind of a making things move, rather than the one who has to do.

There is also the fact that Aslan is referred to as the son of the “Emperor over the Sea” a couple of times, which implies he is a semi-limited diety.


Middle Eastern and Spanish culture. The Moors were in Spain for a long time, during the time of Ferdinand and Isabella they had what they called the ‘Reconquista’ where the Christians reconquered Spain. With the Inquisition and all that. But Audra covered that as I typed it.

Favorite moment of the 'cast.

Sean: Good Chick to know (Dionysus)
Audra: He’s a dude.
Sean: Dionysus?
Audra: Dionysus is a dude
Sean: Always thought he was a chick
Audra: Nope.

By the way guys, this is what you get when I listen to the 'cast on my computer, and can type as I listen.

Yeah I feel a photoshop pic going down in the near future :slight_smile:

Soon all will understand why Dionysus should be a chick after they witness my version which is more of a Di-o-nice-ass.

Just say’n :wink:

Fact - Quantum Leap is simply one of the best shows ever made. :cool:

I wonder how well a movie would really work. I’m sure it would look amazing with today tech but what kind of story do you tell? I would be very disappointed if Bakula and Stockwell were not in it, if only to pass the torch.

I have heard rumors over the years of talks for a new series. They said it would be about his daughter carrying on his work and following in his footsteps. This I can totally get behind. If the movie were to take a similar course, brought in Stockwell to help her and together they managed to bring him back, that would be awesome.

Also, Bakula was late 40’s early 50’s during Enterprise. A damn sexy man if I do say so myself. I would probably say he had a similar effect on me as Sam Beckett that Shatner as Kirk had on talos. I am just to lazy to be a stalker. :stuck_out_tongue:

I an exited for the new Narnia movie. For me “Voyage of the Dawn Treader” and “Magician’s Nephew” are my favorites. I’m not sure why it seem like they get bashed on but the magic and adventure in them really do it for me. I hope I’m not alone.

@Fallen Crusader Thank you, Thank you for the Caspian book-movie comparison!! I should have re-read the book recently to remember better, but I didn’t. I appreciate all the details. (And I knew the whole Susan-Caspian thing wasn’t in the book!)

I think I agree with you that it wasn’t sexism that Susan couldn’t come back to Narnia, but rather because she changes her priorities to focus on more “earthly” things. At the same time, I can see the argument some have made that female sexuality, or females approaching womanhood, get shunted off screen in Lewis’ works. I’d have to read more, but it seems like a valid observation.

Glad you liked the Dionysus conversation. Bwahaha!! Love the signature. :slight_smile:

@UD Yeah, Archer is a pretty sexy man. And love the Old Spice-style siggy! Lol!



Reminds me of a (terrible) joke I used to tell. The first two men are sitting on the beach, and they see the first chick. The second turns to the first and says “Whoah, Man!” And thus women were named.


I just thought, there might be another explanation for why Lewis doesn’t do much with girls beyond children. It may just be with him being a confirmed bachelor for so much of his life (unless you’re into the rumours about him and Mrs. Moore), that he didn’t know how to write women. shrugs I can’t back that up with any evidence whatsoever, but I have heard it’s why Meg always gets the shaft on Family Guy.

Interesting about Lewis. On the Family Guy thing, someone during the Q&A at ComiCon this past year asked Seth McFarlane & gang about why Meg gets treated so horribly. Their response was when they first created the show, they created all the characters and then it occurred to them that Lois was the only female in the cast. McFarlane said most of them are misogynistic ***holes (I think they meant it tongue-and-cheek but the truth of it is not entirely clear) and decided it would be funny to go over the top with it by created Meg (that is, someone literally created to take abuse). I’ve never really known how to respond to that. It can be really funny at times, though.

I always figured Peter & Susan simply grew out of it. There’s a “Peter Pan” syndrome-thing going on, perhaps.

Going off on a tangent for a bit - just so you know - the powers of the chess Queen were originally more like the Mandarin in Chinese Chess. i.e. She moved one step in any direction.

It was only after the ‘Reconquista’ that the chess world decided to honor Queen Isabella by increasing the stature of the Chess Queen to what she is now. :cool:

Got a laugh right from the very first moment of cast:

Sean: “Welcome to our 238,000th cast”. LOL.

I started a thread a couple years back “100,000th GWC podcast --a transcript”
And because of my narcissism, I’m not above posting the link here again: http://forum.galacticwatercooler.com/showthread.php?p=36338#post36338 :stuck_out_tongue:

So sorry, was listening to the rest of the 'cast whilst Christmas shopping for my wee cousins in France… anyways…

Gypsy Kings & that nebulous Spanish-French accent

I’m surprised no one picked this up, but the Gypsy Kings are actually from Arles, in Southern France. But yes, they’re actual Romani-Gypsies.

Here’s what wiki says :

Although group members were born in France, their parents were mostly gitanos, Spanish Romani people who fled Catalonia during the 1930s Spanish Civil War, with the exception of Chico Bouchikhi who is of Moroccan and Algerian descent.

Perhaps, Prince Caspian is from that region? The actor playing him (aka Fabio-lite) is actually British, btw :cool:

PS hey, i found an actual google map of Middle Earth :


… and here’s the tour guide :http://bigthink.com/ideas/21172

hey wait, there’s an actual Narnia in Caroll County, Maryland, USA ? its geographical coordinates are 39° 30’ 56" North, 77° 4’ 25" West


I always like characters who are not perfect. And when they make a mistake to own up to it and make things better. Edward is my favorite character as well because he doesnt seek the glory but he just gets the job done.

Loved Audra’s Mythology story time.

I’d pay money to hear Audra read the Narnia chronicles.

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Amen bruther! If I could, I would sign up for her Humanities class.

Here’s another famous incident with a cow suit gone sideways:


That’s so funny. I was also thinking how wonderful it’d be to be in one of her classes.

(I’d get all her geek references too :D)

It would be like the Audrapedia!!!

She did mention that taking her class helps you win arguments. In my mind that is an awesome reason.

Mazes and Monsters was an adaptation of the novel by Rona Jaffe. I read it, don’t recall much, but I think it was much the same.