#244: Geekdom, Part I

That is a problem I found on some other Geek forums, Geek Elitism and snobbery. The Forum Trolls love to pounce on things which do not fit into their ‘template’, and ridicule anyone else whom they deem too naive to realize they are fools for enjoying something that they and others of their ilk consider tripe or uncool.

I have no issue with poking fun, and satire is fine too. But hate is unacceptable and it discourages constructive discussion and lively debate. That is why I try (but sometimes fail) to use the term ‘it is not for me’, and leave it at that. Because we all have different tastes, whether it be music, food, clothing or whatever. And it is most generally due to childhood influences, and secondly from racial/religious/regional (in other words cultural) influences. Not because of intelligence or genetics!:mad:

Please show restraint. And remember that in a forum it is hard to tell when someone is joking unless you seed your post with smilies or (jk);s and what not.

To quote a pop culture icon: Can’t we all just get along?:eek:

(I hope this wasn’t too long winded… It is Nanowrimo month after all) :smiley:

The whole 1988 GUY album with the minor exception of “My Business”. I almost wore out that album. If someone held a gun to my head and said I had to pick one, it would be tough, but I’d have to go with “I Like” or “You can Call me Crazy” depending on the day or time of day…

That said, some of TR’s best work isn’t with GUY. His collaboration with MJ, especially “Remember the Time” and “Jam”, are way up there too.

Edit: I hear you Omra. And, I fear I’ve been overboard recently on some topics, but I’ll try to dial it back.

Edit Edit: Had to add “Jam” too.

In the comic community which is a very small community has snobbery in it as well. There are people who actually think that non superhero comics are more important than superhero comics. You also have comic snobs who think anime is not as important as American comics. And even though Im not into Anime its still all comics. And the non comic reading community sometimes looks down on all of us. Its all just crazy to me.

Fast, Omra, Darrell: Don’t think there’s any danger of you crossing over to the dark side. Really enjoy and appreciate your contributions here.

And I’m glad everyone seems to enjoy this brief arc. It’s always tough speaking out about something you really believe in, especially when it’s so likely to rub lots of folks the wrong way. I hope everyone realizes that I don’t feel like the righteous one sitting on a throne condemning others. I’m as guilty as anyone. I don’t feel like a bad person for it. I figure all we can do is try hard to do the right thing – to become better about it. That’s what I do. :slight_smile:

At the last New york comic con I was watching grown men who like me where wearing shirts with Iron Man on it and Wolverine and big green Hulks that were sitting in judgement of people wearing a big plastic sword on their back. And to me its like a heroin addict calling a cocaine addict an evil drug user when we all are addicts and we have our different drugs whether its stamp collecting or science fiction,or reality television or video games.

I hear you my friend. Anywhere that passions run high about what we enjoy as fans, we run the risk of being unsympathetic towards others tastes and if not careful we can wind up alienating them, in which case we rob ourselves of possible friendships and camaraderie.

Or we can humiliate them into giving up their passion toward whatever it may be, (a sin in my eyes), or driving them to enjoy their heartfelt love in secret.

Emotion can override common sense and civility if you let it. And we Geeks can be very emotional can we not?:wink:

Hey Chuck! I know you were worried that you (singular or plural) came off as preachy in this cast, but I don’t think you (singular or plural) did at all. In fact, speaking for just myself, you’re preaching to the choir.

So preach, Brother, preach!! (:

I will do my best to follow the Vulcan way with a touch the Kirkness for kicking the butt of evil bullies everywhere.

I like that analogy. I may steal it. The pot calling the kettle black lacks the umph it once had since they can come in a variety of colors now. d:

Hear, hear! Infinite diversity, in infinite combinations! Good call!:slight_smile:

Quote away its all yours

Let’s see if anyone else recognize this. I’d swear your quote reminds me of:
“Butt kicking for goodness!”

Thanks. (:

Btw, I’m still on a Youtube trip. Listen to GUY - my fantasy (extended version) if you haven’t in a while.

All that said these are still two of my favorites…

I love that Twilight one I even used it on my facebook.

The term ‘were-cougar’ comes to mind whenever I look at the pic!:smiley:

That’s a scary mental image. I’m picturing some kind of scary, vicious, anime-style neko(cat)-woman. d:

Now you have me hungry for NEKOwafers!:smiley:

that is hilarious

Just to be clear, we’re talking about some mature, sexually adventurous, woman who dispenses NECO wafers?

'Cause, if so, I’m all in.

Yes yes yes