#243: Halloween Special

pardon me . . . “except for Bella” . . . .

. . . “all characters who are not Bella” . . .

. . .

Sorry, I got me some ‘bella hate’ goin on . . .


it shall be interesting…

I’ll admit my objections to Twilight have nothing to do with their popularity, but rather with issues I have about them modeling (un)healthy romantic relationships to early adolescents… but I’m sure that’s something I can save up to talk about once I hear the next 'cast :wink:

Lol, well it’s widely known I like the story and most of the characters in it. On a personal note I think it’s often difficult to try and sift through the ‘twilight hate’ and blowback –though that’s never stopped us before. As galvanizing as it is I’m not sure if we’ll ever see a Twilight arc on the cast, for several reasons.

  1. Both Chuck and Audra are not Vampire story fans and there’s tons of material that we are all into that could be reviewed instead.
  2. I wouldn’t push them into it because I hate it when folks do that to me esp. when I’ve indicated I don’t really dig it.
  3. It’s a lot of material to go through in a short time frame

I do think there are issues the series/characters have that folks voice valid arguments/points about. I think they deserve a lengthy discussion and good back and forth on. However (and what follows is just MHO) when talk turns to Twilight, discussion winds up moving into a heated debate about how young women should be portrayed and the flaws inherit in Bella’s character, which if I’m totally honest, I’m not sure if I’m educated enough in the subject to talk intelligently about from that angle.

Audra would be, I think of the three of us she would be the most interesting to hear opinions on Bella’s personality and I’ve learned to trust her learned opinions on that particular subject. Likely I wouldn’t agree with some of them but that’s nothing new. Audra and I fence over that quite often.

I don’t really have issue with Bella. However, I look around and many women react violently to her. I find this is often an indicator I’m being dense in some way. Still I have to throw up some Bella love, I can just see how she got there I suppose.

It would also be fun to hear Chuck’s thoughts on the Vampire leadership and how the political structure they set up and the rules they created kept them both in power and undiscovered for centuries.

I’m afraid, in the end, I just like it for the fun. Jacob, Leah and Alice are my favorite characters and I read the books just to hear what happened to Jacob and the pack. I dig that it’s a different take on the classic story and that old standard rules don’t apply.

So after having said all that, the short answer is…. I have no clue :slight_smile: Though should it ever come up I’ll be there throwing my two cents in - of that you can be sure.

I’m sorry that I’m late to the conversation, but I have to give my 2 cents on Caprica. I watched it loyally, though I thought it felt like it was going off the rails. It wasn’t until last week that I figured it out:

It’s the STO (not Star Trek Online which I like though most say it’s not very good). To begin with, I don’t have sympathy for the devil. Secondly and most importantly, Clarice Willow. The actress didn’t show what Heath Ledger or Anthony Hopkins showed when they played memorable villains. In D&D terms, Chaotic Evil characters must have a high Charisma to be playable. It’s just that simple.

Anyway, love the show. I half-believed the fire crackling and tape-shuffling might’ve been a scam, but the background cop siren sounded real.

It felt like to me, the tape shuffling had the same amount of shuffling and took the same amount of time each time. d: I kinda want to invest in a Sony Walkman myself now. But, I doubt I could keep it in good enough shape for long enough for t to accumulate value…

I couldn’t consciously discern a pattern in the fire crackling though.

Agreed about the siren.

I liked the feel for this cast overall however.

Still, I fully expected Sean’s zombie brother from last Halloween to re-appear though. I was a little disappointed, but I understand not wanting to do the same thing twice. d:

No kidding! I really had to keep looking around to see if I needed to pull the yellow raptor over!

You got me good, with that one, Crew! lol!

Hehe. I had my headphones on to listen to the cast, so I could kinda tell the sirens were from the recording. Still, I couldn’t help but look out my window thinking “They’re coming to take me away, ho-ho,” for a very brief moment. (:


All the FX were added, of course. There were four different tape shuffles – they just sound similar. I actually recorded those myself with my Sony D50, a Pioneer dual deck, and an old cassette recording of my band playing on a late-night sports radio talk show. :slight_smile:

(I have a portable deck somewhere, but I couldn’t find it.)

The siren was funny. We had the window open as the podcast room often gets hot with all the equipment running, and there was an actual siren in the distance. It was too quiet, though, for the mics to pick up. (That’s no accident. I purposefully use low-sensitivity mics to reject room noise.) But since Sean referenced it, I made a note and added a fake one in later. It’s one f the few FX that I bought instead of recorded myself.

The fire was a very short loop, but ai obscured it by pasting it vet itself many times randomly to avoid patterns.

I decided not to adjust our voices at all for the environment (like I did last year) because it seemed more important that everyone understand us easily.

Anyway, Hope you enjoyed.

Cool, cool. Thanks for the tech explanations. Like I aid, I liked it overall. And, I could understand everyone fine with my headphones.

Thanks again! ^^

Wait. That. Wasn’t. Real. Um, were you guys CGI also?

I was pretty well fooled.

“…we live in a in-between universe…” - Way to drop the Carl Sagan quote so surreptitiously, Sean. :smiley:

Anyone else catch that one?

Also, in Canada, “Smarties” are M&M-like chocolate candies. They had one of the more memorable commercial taglines from my childhood: When you eat your Smarties, do you eat the red ones last?
