#225: Futurama Returns, Maurice LaMarche, FSL 2.0 Round 1

This week: Special guest and voice acting legend Maurice LaMarche (Kif, Morbo, Hedonism Bot, and many more) helps us welcome Futurama back to TV. We take on a worthy challenger in fantasy sci-fi league round one. And we run down the week in geek, including Jason Momoa’s role as the new Conan, Peter Jackson’s rumored return to the helm of the upcoming Hobbit movies, a possible new Martian Chronicles interpretation for TV, more Predator intel, and Lost’s upcoming 11-minute DVD epilogue.

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Yay, this came out right before I was going to leave for work.

Anxiously waits for download to finish, and is trying to restrain the urge to skip to Fantasy Sci-Fi

SWEEEEEEEEEEET! Something to listen to while I work on the rock pile tonight.

It has made my awesome moment of the week to be mentioned as the “someone” who brought up the inverse Ninja law.

To be fair, Default Prophet also mentioned he would have brought it up, if I hadn’t beaten him to it. I must also give props to the webcomic Dr. McNinja for pointing out the Inverse Ninja Law to me.

goes back to listening to the podcast

Also, mad props to Bkitty for being our leader in challenging team GWC

Hey, ya’ll, listening to the new podcast about Futurama. I got to go to a convention in Miami last year that had Billie West, John DiMaggio, and David Cohen, and I got to talk to David X. Cohen about the show. I commented about how Futurama really seemed to find its voice around the second season, and I asked if there was a reason for that. “It was because we actually found the VOICES for the show.” he replied, “Once we heard how the voice actors could deliver the lines, and added more of a tone and timing to the delivery of the dialogue, their contribution helped flesh out the characters, and give the writers inspiration for the next season’s episodes.”
I thought that was a very true statement, especially for comedic shows. Some of my favs that have been canceled over the years (like Arrested Development) just needed time for people to “get” what they were doing, as well as give the writers a chance to see what the actors could bring to the table.

I’ve yet to listen, but is that the same as the Conservation of Ninjutsu?

My friend Patti goes to a lot of cons. She got me into Farscape, and going to Comic Con.

Here are a few pix I thot GWCers might enjoy:

McKay love:

And the Hilarious and Sexy Momoa!

She said she felt him moving real slow, looked up, and lost it!
He’s a lovely guy.

I’m really looking forward to the Hobbit movie.

A while back (last year(?)), when they annouced they’d cast Tobey Maguire as Bilbo Baggins, I reread the book visuallizing him as Bilbo.

The Hobbit isn’t the sort of “perfect sweeping tale” that the Lord of the Rings is, but I love the Hobbit anyway because it’s just part of that awesome Tolkein world.

Interesting Chuck, Sean and Audra perspective that you found The Hobbit a steep curver to get into. I know what you mean, but interestingly I had kind of the rerverse problem trying to read Harry Potter.
I got a couple chapters into the 1st HP book, and found it too simplistic to catch my attention. Then I tried jumping ahead the 3 HP book (Pris of Azkabann) and though I gave it a really good try, it just didn’t hook. I’ve seen —two or three of the movies, and I enjoyed them.

But bottom line, I’m solidly in the LoTR camp (not that one can’t be in both).

What’s gonna be SO COOL about The Hobbit movies, is the (if the plan is still as they planned) is the first one is gonna be pretty much the book, and the 2nd Hobbit Movie is gonna connect the events between The Hobbit and the Felllowship of the Ring. There’s ton of material to work with there that’s part of Tolkein’s notes and stuff his son published.

It’s gonna be an excrucitating wait for these movies. I want them now!!

Regarding the LOST epilogue…

[SPOILER]From what I’ve read it is not their way to answer questions based on rabid fan response. When the show ended, Jack had passed guardianship of the island over to Hurley. Hurley chose Ben as his second in command. Then, Jack goes off to die.

In the “afterlife” sideways-verse, Hurley tells Ben that he was a good second and there is a hint that there was some interesting stories. This epilogue is supposed to just be Hurley and Ben on the island. For LOST fans this is, of course, sheer awesomeness.

Most of the upset people seemed to be angry about one of two points. The nature of the island was never really explained. I don’t think they’re going to change this in a 11-minute epilogue. Others were upset that the “sideways-verse” was actually the afterlife, seeing this as too religious or sappy. Again, I don’t think they’re going to change that in 11 minutes.

I think this will just be a bonus story for the fans with the possibility of some easter eggs or one or two small answers that might have remained. [/SPOILER]

Those are pretty damn awesome.

Mad props to Bkitty as the challenger in the FSL and to all of the Honorable Mentions! Also more mad props to Solai and Uchiha Daisuke for organizing the FSL forum!

And Galaxy Quest will definately play in Peoria…got my copy out right after listening to the 'cast!

Man Hobbit and Fellowship are the only LotR books I’ve read. I got to the Ents chapters of Two Towers and just lost it. Could. Not. Deal. Ho frakkin Hum indeed. lol

Hobbit rocks through, breezed through it

Question from a Futuramma noob. (I’ve watched episodes here and there).

Is is basically episodic (ala South Park)? In other words, can you jump in anywhere and enjoy an episode?

Yes, I got a mention!!! There are so many great solutions this time around, this is great fun.

Audra, Bret was in Fellowship of the Ring and Return of the King:

Yeah, I was going to mention that as well…
“Frodo is great…WHO IS THAT?!”

I was surprised to hear Mr. LaMarche’s involvement with transformers. At first I thought he was just getting the name wrong. I thought the character would be SixShot (a Decepticon who had 6 different modes), but was actually Sixgun (an Autobot made up of Metroplex’s guns) so wow… I didn’t know a transformer. :eek:

Pretty much.

But here’s what Fox never realized: Where you have to draw the line with the show is that you need to watch the entire episode. If you start 17 minutes into the eps, people won’t be into it so much, and ratings may suffer.

(Fox ran the show at 7 p.m. during football season, and consistently started episodes after the football game ended, usually around 15 minutes after 7, with the damned thing already in progress. Cuz, you know, if they started them LATE, that would have confused people.)

Essentially yes. There are a couple of plot points that become funnier as you get to know the show as they are self-referencial, but other than that you are good. Having a background of a scifi geek helps too…:smiley:

i was thinking about making a Summer verion of Bender… but that sounds super hard… so even if it’s a few weeks away, i went with “Chicken…good”