2012 Int'l Meetup: March 16-18, 2012

52 days

So I had a dream about 3 years ago that I met BKitty at some situation that was totally not GWC related. A movie premier, I think… Anyhow, we were in this line about 10 people apart and suddenly I heard somone yelling, “Starbuccaneer! Oh my god, you’re Starbuccaneer, arent’ you?” Dream-Kitty recognized me from various photos I’d posted and I totally recognized her, too, and we were instant friends.


I’ve been posting since the forum launched but couldn’t make it to either of the first 2 meetups. So I flew myself down to Texas and literally as I checked in, Bkitty recognized me and came and gave me a great big hug and we were friends.

So you should totally come. It won’t be weird that you haven’t been before–there are new-to-meetups people at every one of them! And even though I’m going to my second, I won’t have in-person-met many of the people who weren’t able to make it last year (like DawnAZ or SeelixSeesAll–excited!!). If you’re on the fence, I seriously and sincerely encourage you to join the party. It will be massively awesome.

If you still harbor reservations over attending a meetup, check out some of the pics from the first official TX Meetup: http://www.flickr.com/photos/25153282@N08/sets/72157615739079321/

Only a few of us had previously met. I met my digital family in the flesh.

You will, too.

And what Starbuccaneer says above is typical for a meetup! Revelations that you finally get to meet in person and HUG your friends!!

It’s ossim.

Zut alors – Kitteh just said “flesh”. I feel woozy. :groucho:

I fear I may be levitating ever so slightly from anticipation. TSA is gonna have a field day with me at the departure gate, that’s for certain…

TSA AGENT: “Sir, you seem to be carrying an array of questionable items, some of which resemble technological paraphernalia?”
GEEK TRAVELER: “Yeah, ain’t they the OSSIM?? Check out my collection of sonic screwdrivers and Browncoat sidearms! OW! HEY!”

Thanks for all the comfort and reassuring feedback! :slight_smile:

I can echo all the meetup recommendations- it’s well worth your time and money, but really, being at the meetup is priceless!

Have to comment on how awesome the video recap of last year is on the Meetup 2012 about page. I got a little teary just watching it and it made me even more excited. Also, Great schedule this year. Wish it was March!

48 days left. Hurry up!

Damn you, Cronos, and your systematic control over the passage of time! DOOOOOO EEEET!

Holy craaaap! I’m being sent home TDY in March! I’ll be in Texas! I may actually get to come meet the GWC extended family! Yay me! Now…to read through 13 pages of posts so I know where to go…(I hadn’t been paying close attention, as I wasn’t going to be there)




Just an FYI for those who are planning on renting a car for the meetup. You will travel on toll roads and Hertz cars are all equipped with PlatePass transponders that you can use to automatically pay tolls. There is a daily charge to use it. All tolls will then be charged automatically to whatever credit card you use to pay for the rental. More details here on the Hertz site. Other rental agencies off transponders too…shop around!

Yay, ALL of us! That’s great news, Trey – see you in March!

No kidding! Yay! I can’t wait! My time isn’t really my own while I’m home (Air Force dictates my schedule) but I can’t imagine it’ll be too hard to make it home to Dallas for the weekend. Yay! Gonna be so cool to see the faces to go with the names! I may not get to participate in the Friday stuff (4+ hour drive Friday after work) but I’m gonna drive fast and try to make it! Yay! Looking forward to buying a round for all my GWC Homies! (and, I get to see my parents and drink Dad’s beers! Always good fun!) I wish I could bring Quentin…he’s so jealous! See y’all in March! WOO HOO!


Take a plane or a helicopter and this is what you say: http://www.hark.com/clips/pwypxrsjzy-look-i-got-something-i-got-to-handle

So, I am flying in Thursday. Do we have a place to set up carpools?

Raemani usually covers pickups, drop offs, room mates & the like…she is invaluable & I don’t think these wold be nearly as successful without her.

I received a jury summons in the mail today for March frakkin’ 2nd. I almost had a heart attack when I saw “March” written on the date line. Hopefully I can do my civic duty in one day. :slight_smile:

Welcome to my world. Mine is for Grand Jury not Petite Jury so if I am chosen I am home bound for two whole months. I’ll know for sure March 7th.

Go in for jury selection and start dropping racial slurs left and right. Say things like “What color is he?.. Oh yeah, he’s guilty.” Do these things and we’ll see you at the meetup for sure.

A tin foil Napoleonic hat + A sock puppet = No jury duty.

What’s the big deal about jury duty in the states? In Canada you are jury duty exempt if you can’t take time off work for financial reasons. Since the only employers that cover wages during jury duty are government positions almost no one is really obligated to attend. When I got summond it was for a murder trial and the time frame given was in months. Since there was a really high profile serial murder case in the news I was almost certain my jury duty would be related to that, but since I couldn’t go months without pay I had to decline. I’m probably the only person who was disappointed they couldn’t perform their jury duty.

Free hotel, free HBO, gasp FREE WILLY!

EDIT: I seem to also recall that if you had pre-existing plans or something you could also apply for an exemption, so if you just had vacation time booked it didn’t count, but if you had plane tickets and hotels booked you could get out of it.