2012 International Meetup

Ok folks, I REALLY want to get to the meet up in 2012. Flying is not friendly for plus-sizes - is there anyone anywhere close to South Dakota that is planning on driving? I live in the middle of the state so I can travel a few hours east or west to pick up a ride. Takers?

Ok, how about this? I drive and pick up 3 passengers? I would likely go south on i29 to i335 into Wichita and then i35 through Oklahoma City into Plano…

I could meet you in OKC, but unless you picked up someone else first, you would be alone for ~12 hours. I was planning on leaving sometime Thursday afternoon/eveneing, and coming back on Monday.

That might work. Now I have to make a for-sure decision on going! Let me think on it for a bit. :slight_smile: