This past Saturday was the Michigan Competing Band Association State Championships, which marks the end of the Marching Band season here in Michigan. For me, it’s a chance to see bands I don’t get a chance to see during the year. All but 2 bands in the class our school is in is on the East side of the state, mostly around Detroit, and they never travel to competitions on our side of the state, so the State Championships are the only time to see everyone at the same time. One band in our class had a show called “To Boldly Go”, so it obviously is a Star Trek theme. The show starts out with a couple of mellophone soloist on the sideline, in position before the music starts. I’m expecting to hear the opening notes from either the theme from TOS or even TNG. Much to my surprise, it is the opening notes from the theme from the 2009 movie. I don’t know how many people pick up on that, but it got my attention.