#20: Twitter iOS Updates/Desktop Software Sales

This week Twitter deployed major changes to their iPhone app, and we run down the new changes and what they mean to your online social life. We discuss when it makes sense to pay (sometimes big bucks) for a mobile app and when to stick to the freebies. And we take a look at some of the big packaged-desktop-software deals in terms of real value. Also: We update our SIRI quarter bet.

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I recall coming across an article where developers where complaining about Apple’s App Store breaking the market standard for software prices. When most apps cost $0.99, it changes the expectation of the user base, and now people think that $40 is a lot for software (for mobile devices/tablets). If the data were available in some fashion, I’d be interested to see what curve looks like in terms of people who didn’t buy Omnifocus on the iPad and would have otherwise save for the price.

FWIW, I think that a lot of the software available for sale for mobile devices doesn’t represent the same level of functionality and development as a lot of desktop apps. For example, I’d be loathe to pay $40 for a “simplified” app that just offers data access. Omnifocus, OmniGraffle, and others like them are the exceptions, I think. Still, it must be frustrating for them.

This is for you Chuck! Anyone else interested in cameras please enjoy as well :slight_smile:


The S100 looks awesome, of course, but it’ll be a long while (even longer now that I’m back in school) before I could think about spending $400 again. That said, there’ll probably come a point where I’ll need to sell the old one for whatever I can get and upgrade. The S100 doesn’t seem like a big enough jump to necessitate that, though.

Outside of the built in GPS to geo-tag your shots in the EXIF data, you are probably correct. Now if they added built in WiFi oh-boy!

I’ll just add that the Android version of the new Twitter app sounds pretty much like you described the iOS app. I held off updating initially because of the tears, but I did it after the cast and I really like the new version. Thanks.