#2: (censored) Van Patten

We party’d down this week, so much so that jackass Chuck forgot to start the recording and lost the first 10 minutes of the ‘cast. So if you were listening live, you got the “special edition” version where Chuck shot first. This week’s Eff This Week crew: Chuck, Audra, Juan, and Abigail (whom you might know from the introduction to D&D segment she recorded with Audra on the GWC ‘cast). Highlights: We fcuk with the UStream censor bot discovering dozens of ways to beat the system, including spacing, Napster-style character swaps, and creative circumlocution. (No, really. Google it.)

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Topic Suggestion: Canadian Holidays vs American Holidays

Topic Suggestions:

Blood – worst sports injury suffered?
Sugar – what sweet confection would you get out of bed at 3 a.m. to crave score?
Sex – beautiful people cage match, who would you put in the octagon?
Magik – What known magic spell (D&D, Potter, Gathering, Warcraft etc.) would you most like to have and why?

Bonus idea, what past, preset or future television or movie would you most like to see a GWC T-Shirt worn on screen and by which actor?


SMG in “Buffy”
Hugh Jackman in “X-Men”
Helen Mirren in RED

you get the idea.

P.S. This idea was mostly from Tim Allen’s 90’s sit-com “Home Improvement” when he would routinely wear various mid-western university sweat shirts in shot.

Sorry I cannot attend these “events”. I usually play old-fart hockey at that time on Thursday.

Topic Suggestion: Boobs and Toilets

… I’m doing it wrong aren’t I?

Topic suggestion: How popular fiction has changed to include more adult natured content. Basically an extension of the JD Robb books Audra referenced in the last GWC.

Topic Suggestion: Jason Momoa vs Olivia Wilde.

Topic Suggestions: --Nobody suggest any topics-- (I rather enjoy the complete random ramblings!)

BTW, when is the next Eff This Week being recorded or casts in general? Is there an official schedule anywhere for those things?

​TOPIC: Disaster Preparedness

In light of the recent blackout those of us from AZ to Cali experienced last Thursday (I missed ETW!!), I’d like to suggest the above stated topic.

My part of town was dark for approximately 8 hours and you’d think the Apocalypse Ponies were marching on us by the way people were freaking the frak OUT!!


It began to take on some the feel of The Walking Dead.

Our district cancelled school on Friday.

We went to Seaworld.

How would you handle it? Are you ready? Would you survive?

Who would you eat first?


First of all, we deal with power outages all the time up at our lake place in Wisconsin. It’s just too remote so when a big thunderstorm rolls through or an ice storm it’s just a fact of life. You make sure you have enough batteries, candles and water to last a day or so. It’s well-water, so if the power is out so is the water. If it lasts more than a few hours we break out the generator and make sure the well, septic and the fridge are powered up.

When the remnants of Hurricane Ike rolled through here in September of 2008 many were without power for a week. Some were without power for 10 days or more. Schools closed. Gas stations couldn’t pump gas. Stores operated on a cash-only basis if at all. But if you have any sort of emergency supplies at all it’s easy to make it through that short of time. We cooked on the camp stove or grill and simply went to bed when it got dark. The land line phones were out so we charged them through our cars. We have plenty of cards and board games so entertainment wasn’t an issue. I generally keep an extra 20 gallons of gas on hand in the garage and buy gas for the lawnmower, chainsaw and weed wacker when it’s cheaper.

I’ve often wanted to purchase a whole-house generator and/or install a home powering windmill. But in a neighborhood with many without power that just might make us a target. I have propane heaters that we could use in the winter to keep everything from freezing, but that is an emergency-only measure.

But the person that is the MOST prepared for disaster? My friend Minh that came to the meetup last year. He’s on Twitter as @ambiguous_user. That dude has survival gear out the wazoo. If the crap was going down, I’d want to make sure we were on the same side. The dude knows his stuff.

As for me, my Blast From The Past shelter is built and stocked up. See you in 50 years or so.

~Shooter Out

Topic - Should Kirstie Alley now that she is thin again, play Savik in a new Star Trek series?

Topic - Should George Lucas be prevented from destroying the first three Star Wars movies, until they are as bad as Episodes I , II, and III?

Toilet Topic - Why do German Poo shelf toilets exist…? http://www.banterist.com/archivefiles/000212.html

You mean American holidays vs the rest of the world holidays right? (:

Also, get Audra to say, “Juan makes me think of tech” in a Spanish accent. (:

Plus, more singing!!

topic for next time: NASA’s flurry of awesomeness this week! (the announcementof the world orbiting 2 stars, Tatooine-style, and new designs for Deep Space Exploration)

Topic idea: What will life be like 100 years from now? A 1000 years from now? 100,000 years from now?

That is frakin Awesome!!!

Twok amongst yourselves, I’ll give you a topic. Tatooine was neither long, long ago, nor in a galaxy far, far away. Discuss.

as Kirokai would say: AMAZEBALLS!