#11: Shaved Ginger Biscuit

Effin’ the post-fake-Thanksgiving Thursday, is this week’s crew: Audra, Chuck, and Juan. Highlights: The chat room tells us about the fabled gingerbread donut. Chuck wonders why Siri doesn’t understand stardates. Non-Texans discover that it’s actually cold in texas. Audra tells a one-time-at-band-camp story. And we profess our continuing love for Scrubs.

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I hope the Crue is having as much fun with Eff This Week as I (and I’m going to assume everyone else listening) is having. Between the live stream of consciousness format and the interactive chat thread, y’all are making Thursday the night to look forward to every week. Throw in the after-'cast Google hangouts that last for hours, and the Thursday Night GWC Lineup has become a seriously fun time.

Thanks GWC. :smiley:

I am so bummed I missed it. Had the alarm set for it and everything. Turns out, putting the phone on vibrate and then leaving it downstairs doesn’t, in fact, help get me up for an 0330 podcast.


teehee :slight_smile: