#10: Dr. Casilda

Kidding aside, congrats to Casilda who successfully defended her dissertation the day we Effed — and joined us to celebrate. Your Eff This Week hosts this week: Audra, Chuck, and Juan. Highlights: We talked diabeetus. And we blasted out top ten lists based on chat room suggestions, including our ten favorite SG-1 episodes, top ten Big Bang Theory moments, and many more.

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What time did this start at last night? The time in the calendar is coming up at 3pm which is obviously not right. I assumed it was 9pm Texas time which by my calculations should be 3am UK/Ireland time. I woke up at about 2.55am, and things seemed wrapping up. So either I assumed the wrong starting time or I messed up the time zone conversion. Very soon, I’ll be having regular Fridays off so I hope to join in the podcast live, so I want to get the times right.

This week they started a few hours earlier for the cast.

Congrats Casilda!

So Audra talking about the birds crapping on her car, I lost it last night…

Back when I was studying DirectX programming I had a game in mind in which you’re birds flying around a city and are given particular objectives like “crap in 5 convertibles” or “crap on 5 purple cars”. It has now been re-inspired by a single new objective… “crap on Audra Heaslip’s car”. (Also figured I’d end up selling it for like a dollar or two on XBox Marketplace. Really need to finish that.)

So what time is this being recoreded each week now?

Was 2030 Central Thursday night. No new episode this week, so back in two.


Still side-sore from the “Hi, a FEEETUS” hilarity. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Congrats, Casilda.

Congrats Casilda!

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