10/2008 Winner: "Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson

The votes are in and Stephenson, Neal - "Snow Crash"has been elected the October book of the month! "He is not seeing real people, of course. This is all a part of the moving illustration drawn by his computer according to specifications coming down the fiber-optic cable. The people are pieces of software called avatars. They are the audiovisual bodies that people use to communicate with each other in the Metaverse."This thread will contain spoilers. If you have not finished the book, proceed at your own risk

This was my first real intro to the Cyberpunk world and because of it i love cyberpunk. This has some of the best characters in the genre. Hiro Protagonist is well for a lack of better terms one of the best protagonists in literature. I absolutely love Y.T. she has a great story arch, also if you read the rest of Stephensons books she may or may not be in Diamond Age (which i think i like slightly more than Snow Crash).

I still to this day dream about being a pizza guy like Hiro is at the beginning.

I have more to say about htis but i might have to go and dive into storage and try and snag this book out.

So more to come later

And let us not forget Raven, the biggest bad-(sorrybarb) in all of literature.

I’m going to be curious to hear the womens’ takes on Y.T., too.

yes Raven is awesome. Anyone who has a detonator to a nuke hard wired to his heart is a definitely a certified bad sorryBarb. It really goes along with the idea of if you don’t like my rules ill take my ball and go home. only instead of don’t like my rules, its don’t kill me. and instead of take my ball and go home its i’m gonna blow up 1000 city blocks.

One word: Dentata

I just got a copy, I’m looking forward to reading it, with any luck I’ll have a chance to start this weekend :slight_smile:

But before that point(EDIT: Pun intended), that was so frakkin hot

Also. Reason. Need I say more?




Oh yeah. Gotta love the rat things.

The plan is to read this book during my one week break after Halloween. I hope I’ll be forgiven that I’m gonna read it in November…

i don’t know about you guys, but I find GR has been rather quiet these days. I’m getting concerned. … :frowning:

There’s a good explanation for my continued absence. Settling into my first job used to take up all my days over the past three weeks and on the weekends I drove home to visit the GF and my weekend time I gave to her and not to the forum. I hope to become a little more organized soon, but I’ll probably never be present as much as I used to be during my university days. Except of course during school breaks :slight_smile:

I just picked up Neal Stephensons new book Anthem Ill post on it when i get done.

OK. See you in the spring.

about 60 pages left… it’s enjoyable… more when I finish…

I’m so behind on this. In fact, I haven’t even started.


This one is gonna be the hardest of his to read to date…he invents new words and everything. I cant wait till he gets to the math where i have to read a page 4 times to understand it. The dude is way to smart for me.

You’re tellin me. You ever read The Cryptonomicon? It’s like a thousand pages in paper back and half of them are about code breaking and I’m like “Bwuh?” half the time but still enjoyed it

I was pointed at this review (audio) yesterday. The guy really did not like Snow Crash. There are a couple valid complaints in there (e.g., the ending is Stephenson-esque) but in general I just wanted to throttle the kid.

I’m listening to get this guy and am getting really angry. He seems to be missing sooo much. I want to hurt him. I knew i couldn’t trust people with accents.

This guy is so…grrr…He keeps on rattling on about coincidence…how everyone meets by chance. isn’t that’s how most literature works out. The only valid point he has had is that they librarian is kinda dull. He is totally wrong on all other points. Totally. If i met him on the street i might have to kick him in the nuts. That would be a coincidence though…

And yes Mr. bad podcast guy, Stephenson does know a lot about Newton…seeing as he was the main character in 3 of his books.