1/2010 Winner: George R.R. Martin, "A Game of Thrones"

I am on A Clash of Kings now. I can’t read these books fast enough! I have been staying up until 1 or 2 in the morning reading, which is something I have not done in a long time.

I agree, it is amazing how there are so many characters, but it is not distracting. At the end of each chapter, I find myself wanting to know more, then the POV switches to someone else, whose story is just as compelling.

Thanks GWC, for getting me into this series of books. :smiley:

HBO has launched a Twitter account, @GameOfThones, and a production blog over at http://www.makinggameofthrones.com/

This show is goig to be so good. If you don’t want to read the blog entries, at least check ot the “raven” preview for some awesome looking teasers, and watch the “in production” mini-featurette to blow your mind.

If you’re reading this series and have an iPhone/Pad/Touch, you may be interested in this companion app.

Interview with the designer here.

Redditors are doing a re-read of AGoT in their Fantasy Bookclub this month (April.)

I must start a re-read of the series soon. I want to try to time it so that I finish A Feast For Crows just before A Dance with Dragons comes out.

Tor.com is also doing a read. This one is interesting because it’s the reviewer’s first time through (be careful to avoid spoilers if you’re going to comment.)

AGOT was referenced in Chuck.

I haven’t picked up the novels yet, so I’m avoiding previous post to stay away from spoilers. But, I have a quick question. Those of you who read or own the books, are there any advantages to getting, reading, or owning each book separately opposed to boxed set?


That is the above boxed set for near $20 versus each separate book for 9-12 bucks each. One of reasons I’m asking is one the reviews for the box set mention printing errors.

“It is missing pages 561-592 and it has a double inclusion of pages 593-624.”


I guess no one knows?

Haven’t heard of that, to be honest.

I did run across a bum track in an audiobook, which isn’t obvious because each chapter is a semi-random change to a new POV. So, that may be why it was unnoticed in the print edition.

I thought about buying the boxed set, but I think I’m going to hold out and get the hardcover versions if the opportunity comes up. I don’t know why, but I like reading epic fantasy with books that don’t have bendy covers.

I’m generally like that, but I cannot drop $80 (4 times $20) on 4 books at once. I bought the EVE Online hard cover novels, but they came out years apart. I bought three of the Old Man’s War novels soft covered for near the price of one hard cover.

You may wonder why don’t I just buy one a month. I have to devour books within a relatively short time frame (3-5 in a week), or I may never finish them.

I went to a local Barnes and Nobel’s yesterday. The boxed set was $36!! And, each book was $17. Also, each book is larger (length and height, not width) than a regular paperback. Yet, the books in the boxed set were paperback sized and thicker than most paperbacks I’ve seen. The boxed set and many of the books mentioned HBO or had covers depicting characters from the HBO series.

Needless to say, I didn’t buy any at those prices. But, I can see how there could be differences between the boxed set and the separately sold books.

I didn’t see any in hard cover format, but I shudder to think what the hard cover price would be.

Dunno if you’re still interested, but…

$20, 6 in stock.
$19, In stock.
$23, 15 in stock.
$19, In stock on April 25, 2011.
$19, This title will be released on July 12, 2011.

Well I just ordered the boxed set from Amazon for $20. Local stores wanted $35+ for it. I hope it doesn’t have the print error.

I bought the kindle version of the amazon pack. They had it at $20 for the four books as well and I just snapped it up. No printing errors that I’ve noticed, but then again, they could easily update the digital version.

Anyway, I started with the HBO series first - started watching after episode 5 aired, and went on a 5 episode marathon that turned into a 7 episode marathon (because episode 6 was aired shortly after I finished the initial marathon, and then HBO go had ep.7 up as well).

But…I never made the wait to the 8th episode airing this sunday. Instead, I read the whole of book 1, and damn it if I’m not throwing myself into book 2 asap. This series is like crack.

I’m curious to see whether I’d love the tv show less (or more) now that I know book 1’s story. I have no idea how they’re going to cram everything in the last 3 episodes though. Some tough edits ahead, for sure.

Anyway, book 1 discussion (spoilers):

Favorite characters: yes, I’m going to agree with a lot of people here and pick (in no particular order):
Jon, Arya, Tyrion. How I know they’re my favorite characters? I know I’d be more crushed if/when?(no!) they die than any of the other characters.

But I also love
Dany - though I think I’m even more impressed with the TV version than the book version for now. She seems more powerful somehow.
Varys - I prefer Littlefinger in the tv show, but in the books, I find Varys and his dialogue more fun. He seems to be a more deft master of whispers than Littlefinger and thus more mysterious in his goals - which I’m still not quite sure of - is he simply self serving like Littlefinger (who, btw, feels like a Baltar), or does he actually give a crap about the realm? I can’t tell, and that’s why Varys is good.
The Hound - he sort of saved Sansa as a character for me with their interaction later in the book where I actually stopped hating her for being insipid and being a crap sister to Arya and started feeling sorry for her naivete, and later her realization of her naivete. Though I’m wondering now why the show chose Littlefinger to deliver The Hound’s backstory instead.
Lord Frey - mostly because of how much I enjoyed the scene with Catelyn while they negotiated for the access of the Twins. Oh, I love Catelyn too. But I really love that scene, and I think it’s good to throw in this kooky old guy who doesn’t care about the game at all amidst all this fighting over the iron throne.

But to be honest, I think I might as well list all the characters in the book - there isn’t a character that I dislike yet - whether they’re assholes or heroes or mostly a bit of both - and I’m eager to see what happens with all of them.

Oh, and I love that part where Catelyn just hears the battle happening around her. It’s a really nice perspective and change of pace than the other battles that were depicted in the books.

ETA: re: the index at the back of the book.

I KNOW! I had all these diagrams in my head trying to keep track of who’s who, and then bam! Of course the book has everything written out at the back. This is why digital books < actual books.

Oh, I have a question on something I missed while reading book 1:

Why is Tywin the head of the House of Lannister if he’s not the eldest? Kevan’s still alive and kicking, and isn’t sickly or stupid. Shouldn’t he have been the heir to their house?

I just finished today. Holy Crom! So frakkin good.

No one character carries the story. It is truly an ensemble piece. You are interested in everyone, even people you don’t meet. I found myself sitting in bed listening to Old Nan talk about the fables to Bran and wanting to hear more.

I can totally see a ‘Are you Jon/Arya or Tyrion/Danaerys?’ survey.

Agreed. The characters are very human. They don’t make the “right” choices. They are manipulated easily. They make rash judgements and there are tons of consequences for their actions.

I spotted that right away since I always read the last page of any book I read. I turned to the last page and saw the map and the Houses. Isn’t that typical Appendix behavior and content though?

I did as well.

Arya, Tyrion, Dany are my favs.

In the HBO series, he is the younger brother. I guess they’ll tip-toe around that issue. I searched the Wiki and it just said Kevan likes living in his brother’s shadow. Maybe we’ll get that back story in a future book. I was just watching ‘The King’s Speech’ and sometimes the younger brother will succeed the older brother. The older brother can renounce his office (it’s called abdication). Tywin might have subtly suggested it. :wink:

I totally missed that they switched that on the show. That is a curious change. I don’t doubt Tywin might have had a hand in encouraging Kevan to abdicate his claim to the house, or maybe he was just more cunning and ambitious about it and convinced their father otherwise, but Kevan (for now, at least), seems to be well liked, a good fighter, a smart strategist and all round well respected knight (unlike, say Stannis), so it was just sort of odd their father passed him over and gave the heir apparent to Tywin. I’d love it if we do find out why in a backstory in the later books.

I’ve forged right ahead into book 2, and yup, still really great. (not sure where I should discuss it though, since I’m terrified of going into the all 4 books thread for fear of spoilers). So anyway, just a few thoughts on book 2 so far (still in the early parts of the book, but obviously, spoilers for book 2):

OMC I am loving Tyrion at King’s Landing. I’ve been dying to see him interact with Varys and Littlefinger in the first book, and Tywin must have thought the same. :smiley: The dialogue is freaking delicious, and I can’t wait to see what happens with all the pieces Tyrion had set in place for his plans.

Gendry! I’m right in the chapter where Gendry tells Arya he knows she’s a girl, and, hehehehehe. Also, I’m pleased for Joe Dempsie (who plays Gendry in the tv show), and am psyched that he’d get a bigger role (and with Arya too) next season. It was a really nice reveal that he’s one of the kids with Arya with Yoren. Yeah. I squealed a little. Though Dempsie looks a whole lot more than just 5 years older than Williams.

Oh, Bran is finally remembering. Even though I’d been expecting it to happen, especially since the story all but sets itself to be with Stannis’ smear campaign, but I admit I was totally caught off guard when it happened in the book. Gave me a little chill.

Thank god for Davos. I wasn’t too into the stuff happening at Dragonstone at first, but Davos got me invested quickly enough. I can’t stop marveling at how great all the characters are, new and old. [/spoiler]

So, after watching 3 seasons I decided to read the books. At first it was awkward and a little slow going. Then in a flash it started picking up speed. Suddenly things I had seen in season 1 had new resonance and even better, MADE SENSE! I actually am learning names! Huzzah!