01/2009 Winner: "I, Robot" by Isaac Asimov

The Three Laws of Robotics
[li]A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. [/li][li]A Robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. [/li][li]A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. [/li][/ol][RIGHT]Handbook of Robotics. 56th Edition. 2058 AD
[LEFT]This thread will contain spoilers. If you have not finished the book, proceed at your own risk[/LEFT]

69 words, and all 13 colonies would still be safe.

Lazy programmers. :mad:

You see the programmers most likely included the 3 laws, but the marketing department never informed the programmers of the name change from Robot to Cylon.


“Hyper Base happens to be using several robots whose brains are not impressioned with the entire First Law of Robotics.”

Aren’t impressioned?” Calvin slumped back in her chair, “I see. How many were made?”

“A few. It was on government order and there was no way of violating the secrecy.”

Completely believable. Silly governments.

I made this handy timeline since there isn’t an I, Robot Wiki:

I, Robot Timeline

1982 - Susan Calvin Born, U.S Robot and Mechanical Men becomes incorporated

1996 - Robbie the Robot, Susan Calvin is 14 yrs

2008 - Susan Calvin graduates with a Ph.D. and joins US Robots as a Robopsychologist at age of 26

  2015  - Runaround, Reason.  Susan Calvin is 33 yrs

2016 - Catch That Rabbit

  2021 -  Liar, Susan Calvin is 39 yrs

  2029 -  Little Lost Robot, Escape!  Susan Calvin is 47 yrs.

  2032 - Evidence,  Susan Calvin is 50 yrs.

  2044 - Stephen Byerley  becomes World Co-Ordinator, Susan Calvin is 62 yrs

  2052 – Evitable Conflict,  Susan Calvin is 70 yrs.

  2064 – Interview with Interplanetary Press reporter that ties the stories together, Susan Calvin dies at age 82

Here are the three laws of Rowboatics that every rowbaoat has been programmed with (from The Onion):

  1. A Rowboat may not immerse a human being or, through lack of flotation, allow a human to come to harm.

  2. A Rowboat must obey all commands and steering input given by its human Rower, except where such input would conflict with the First Law.

  3. A Rowboat must preserve its own flotation as long as such preservation does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

This is one of those books that are incredibly simple on the surface of things. Simple and great short stories that gel together into a wonderful story. My original favorite was the one “detective” story that ended up being the basis for the movie that unfortunately used the same name of this book. After a couple reads my favorite is tied between the brain and robbie. Knowing that what was created with the hyperdrive ship would be like death to any human passenger (but wouldn’t kill them) is an interesting take.

Robbie is a simple story that when you think of it is heart breaking.

Wonderful, well said.

Very nice, baconpie, and welcome.

I totally agree. It was an interesting experience to re-read I,Robot after so many years,

Is everybody about ready for the TalkCast for this book? I was thinking about maybe scheduling it for this Saturday morning. Thots?

Sounds awesome!!

oops. Didn’t get it from the library until yesterday. Ripped it Itunes (audio version) and listening to it right now. 1 CD down. About midway thru “runaround” right now. Should have it all finished by Saturday.

Sounds good this is my first time reading any Asimov so I can’t wait to talk about it.

Rock! I’ll know my schedule later today and I’ll post a time. Looking forward to it!

I’ve been watching Robot Holocaust on Hulu:


I think it is the perfect companion piece for the book. There is a very in depth and thorough exploration of the 3 laws of robotics and how they actually work in the field vs robot theory.

WARNING: There is brief topless part in the pleasure chamber scene that is about 17 minutes in. Don’t worry, there is plenty of beefcake for the ladies as well!

And I screwed up. After getting this week’s podcast out, I forgot to post a time. Is tomorrow OK for this, or should we bump it to next weekend?

I have to work tomorrow at 1est,so I would be out. Next weekend might be better.

Tomorrow may be better although next weekend is Valentines day and Presidents day weekend so I vote for tomorrow.

I could do tomorrow although I have to be at church from noon to 1:00 EST so I could do one in the morning, the earlier the better. Next weekend would be fine with me as well.