Xam'd Lost Memories 10/29 6PM EST

More like reminiscing. We haven’t seen these scenes before. d:

I guess he believes in teaching the hard way, trial by fire… A little rough on the pupils though.

He must lose a lot of pupils too. d:

What do you think of the use of ‘church bells’ as music for the approaching ‘human form weapon’ ship? Very different…

Hadn’t noticed. Too busy trying to keep up with thee dialog. d: This feels like it should have been a 39 episode series.

So they are based on elements so far? Water and air/wind?

He has a cool Xam’d design…

Ahah! I was right about the collars! That is how they are controlled…

I’m not crazy about his fin.

I didn’t see that death flag…

He survived I guess.

The father thing was abrupt or is it just me?

OK, so if I am following this correctly the Xams are an attempt to create a hybrid. The regular ‘human-form weapons’ need to be controlled by someone at a distance. Whereas a Xam’d (ideally) lives in harmony with its host, thereby creating a far more intelligent and effective weapon. One that can adapt far more quickly on the battlefield, and think its way through situations…

It was out of left field, I never even saw it being hinted at… A problem with such a large cast I suppose…


Like I said, I think this should have been a longer series like Eureka was.

Reminds me of Gall Force and Spirited Away.

Not a fan of the short haircut…

I guess the old woman only has one good eye…

Me neither.

These episodes must be the reason why I’m left with less than stellar memories of this series. Not making a lot of sense atm.

I am glad Roopa did not go with them. Maybe the other guy is not quite such a dick after all…