Xam'd Lost memories 10/22 6PM EST

“I dont need a weapon against a man…”

I guess she has never met a real man… :slight_smile:

So those walnut things are what make the Xam’d?

That made me laugh more than it should.

They turn into that translucent walking doll you saw earlier with the “Into your fat ass, maybe” line.

Ah, so that’s why they’re called “humanform”! :eek:

It is like the King in Dragonslayer sticking his sword in the dragon…

Not quite that bad. She was still alive. The dragon wasn’t.

Once nurtured they can become various beings yes, I assume the bands around them are a form of restraining collar which allows the owner to exert control on them.

Actually, maybe it’s closer to Old Yeller?

The ones that attacked the city all had those collars on them, and we saw a person remotely controlling the weapons. whereas the girl did not have a collar and she went on a random rampage when the changed. It appears they are going to claim that she was a weapon sent by the North, which if people pay attention it will not flyy… Because she did not have a control collar.

It was pure ceremony. They needed to have their leader seen killing a Bio-weapon, for PR purposes.

Not many saw it except the two teenagers. The rest were soldiers ho will say from the North.

Where did you pick that up from in this series? Dragonslayer, yes.

“ASP suits are like bodies without souls.”

Like an Avatar? :rolleyes:

Or a lawyer?

Never trust men wearing black uniforms…

I guess he is WINGING it!..

Another Nausicaa homage… Giant windmills.

So they use parts of the humanforms to create these battlesuits?

The creature in the tank keeps reminding me of the ‘Fire Demon’ from Nausicaa… Especially now that you can see the blood vessels pumping…