X-Men: The Last Stand Frak Party 12/19 @ 10 PM ET

Yes! Thank you! :smiley:

edit: And thank you, too, LD. :slight_smile:

Thank you


He’s too strong for the average portable DVD player?

Plastic guns, plastic ammo—awesome.

When I saw Juno, I kept wondering what I had seen her in. I couldn’t place it. IMDB’d and :shocked:

I would be able to trade her for Ellen Page.

Only if someone else is using theirs to make me forget I’m using mine. :slight_smile:

Ooops. I’m slow. Who does she play in this movie?

Well, it’s also the recurring theme in every social debate regarding legislating morality and social equity. It’s the same debate that rages for ages and will continue for the rest of history.

Which one is she?

Kitty Pryde

Dude, isn’t she like 17 years old?

Except for the dozens of other mutants with non-metal-based powers. :wink:

Kitty Pryde

I got locked out again. Where are we at I think I am ahead. Please tell me what is going on not time. :confused:

She’s 22. I checked before writing that. :smiley:

She was in a truly disturbing movie, where she tortured a child molester.

Unfortunately, the mad cow is acting up again, so I can’t remember what it was called. :frowning:

My main problem is that our government which was founded on the principle of separation of Church and State has overstepped its bounds too much recently. It’s the government’s job to protect it’s people, not to define our morality. But where is the line?

Mouth to Mouth?

Hard Candy. Also famous for it’s uncensored oral sex scene.