X-Men: The Last Stand Frak Party 12/19 @ 10 PM ET

Yes I think that she should have been told and given the choice to lower the blocks. I do however think it needed to be done. He kind of blocked the teenager in the blocks “all pleasure and anger, emotion”.

The death of Scott and the subsequent scene between X and Logan. I guess I just didn’t enjoy the whole Phoenix character.

Mohinder would work for Prof X., and then Magneto, and then Stryker…Mohinder is such a sap.

Great flick. I normally don’t like westerns, but I really enjoyed it.

Now that (whipping the belt out of the loops) would be a handy ability! :smiley:

She was better in the original Phoenix Saga stories. I get that they were going for more realism here, but that Phoenix was a much more interesting character.

If I were a black man in the 50s, and there exist a “cure for blackness”, my dilemma is this:

  1. I haven’t done anything wrong by being black. It’s not something I’ve done, it’s something I am. I resent the implication that I have to change, that I must “fix” myself to blend in.
  2. By giving up what I am, I’m also turning my back on my shared heritage, history, family and all that came before me.
  3. On the other hand, I don’t have the right to criticize others who choose to take the cure. If they decide that “fixing” themselves will give themselves, their family and children a chance to a better life, I can’t stop them. Like you said, a person has right to decide what to do with their body.

Famke does a great job. I just didn’t get into it.

All true. Number three is basically the heart of the Pro-Choice argument.

I’ve heard that. At the end of the last film I asked someone about the Phoenix they explained it and I was geared up for this film. A bit of a let down.

And how is it Wolvie’s fault Jean got out?

Well, it’s never the professor’s fault, and there was only two other people to blame in the room. It was 50/50 that he’ll take the blame.

I tuned out after this whole scene with Magneto, X, and Jean. I hate to be hatin’. I’ll stop. DBT and Thot are having a better conversation.

Trust me, it was much worse if you were waiting for it for over 20 years. :mad:

The thread keeps locking up on me. Has anyone else have this problem?

Ah, the follies of modern frame-on-foundation construction. Thwarted time and time again by hurricanes, floods and mutant superpowers.

Yeah. RMHPH posted same post twice and I tried 3 times to answer Apollymy’s post and couldn’t. Went away after I closed browser and re-opened.

I’ve had it once so far. It’s weird. Haven’t seen that particular wonkiness before. :confused:

Just checking thanks.

Ironic. The moment you said that, my DVD locked up on me. No problem with the thread though.