X-Men: The Last Stand Frak Party 12/19 @ 10 PM ET

I know, I love her hair in this one.

Glad to hear. That sux’d yo!

Wow. Thanx

Even better.

IIRC, he lost the use of his legs in psychic combat with another powerful telepath known as The Shadow King. He was able to walk again later, using alien technology. Pretty sure he ended up back in the chair not long thereafter.

Was the Nazi theme in the comic too?

I don’t know. I rarely check the weather in a 3000-mile radius. :smiley:

It’s cold, roads are closed everywhere, cars and buses are sliding about, shops are closed everywhere. It sucks. It’s not even that much snow, it’s just that they really suck at snow clearing. They wait until the first layer of snow compacts into thin layer of ice, and only then they decided to start up the two plow trucks they share with the rest of state. And they have never heard of putting salt or gravel on the road.

I liked Mystique’s make-up in X2. Here it looks very plastic.

Could some one give me a scene check, or minutes in?

I guess the analogy would be, if there were a “cure” for being heterosexual, or homosexual, would one want to take it just to fit in with society?

I forget, DBT. Where are you located?

Beast and Moira McTaggart

You mean with Magneto? Yeah, that was his defining moment.

22:00 .

I’m at Hank McCoy meeting the bald kid. Just leaving him now…


Wow! She makes an entrance!

Thanks! Caught up now.

For a lot of these mutants, a more fitting analogy would be a cure for brown eyes or blond hair.

I think my avatar scene is coming up about----now