Good night!
Aww! Dread Pirate Roberts may be my favorite pirate ever. (Sorry, I’m just not so good at movie/tv quotes. It drives my friends crazy that most of them go right over my head.)
Well, just in case, tonight I’m gonna dream that I’m Obi Wan Kenobi or Gandalf the Grey. That way, if you do kill me in my sleep, I’m come back more powerfull.
Good nite for real.
End of Line.
I think I’d better drag my sorry butt to bed, as well. Good night, guys!
Hmmm. Story format then.
They gathered around the glowing oracle of knowledge. It spoke to them with flashing images. Their minds numbed and filled with folly. The master entered and they bowed. He was magnificent and wise. They trembled as each post thundered. He was the Lord of the frak-parties, master of fundamental insanity. Joy, depravity, mayhem and mischief forever reign in his domain.
Something like that. Hey, shine your hooves next time. This is a party not some riff-raff joint.
You know… shouldn’t we do a Princess Bride frak party sometime soon? Also, don’t forget Sneakers frak, 12/15! Oh, wait, are you gonna be at work at 10PM ET?
Nite Thot. May you be protected by an army of sandworms.
Everyone’s going to sleep… I’m suddenly all alone…
Time to go hang out in the gutter.
Yeah. Imma go to bed also. I want to make sure I’m bright and bushy-tailed for the ‘Foundation’ talkshoe tomorrow.
Goodnite, Talos!
Better than a boar’s head on a pike, rotting in the sun.
I had the movie for once and GWC freaked out on me and I could not get on. :mad:
So last night, it’s 1 am, I’m in bed, drifting off in a NyQuil induced haze, but my brain is not letting me sleep. It churns and churns and churns trying to figure out the “kill you in the morning” reference. And then suddenly “Aaa Ha!!! It’s from Princess Bride!” And then I immediately relax and fall dead asleep.
Not to say that we couldn’t do it again. That’s a movie that’s made for rewatching.
most definitely
I was wondering why I don’t remember anything about the frak party. Turns out, I missed it because I was up in Vancouver for my cousin’s wedding! Hmm. I sense another Princess Bridge Frak Party…
Some people have no sense of priorities…
Hmm. I sense another Princess Bridge Frak Party…
Can anybody cross that bridge, or do you have to be a princess?
Any chance of a Saturday night your time so I can join in on a Sunday?
Sounds good to me! I love that movie.
Also, don’t forget Sneakers frak, 12/15! Oh, wait, are you gonna be at work at 10PM ET?
No, but I start at 12:00 am so I have to leave by 11:30 pm at the latest. How long is it?.. Hmm. 2 hrs and 6 min. Probably not going to work for me.