Hera and Nicky to me are the only ones who are most definitely not going to be killed off later this season.
If the writers and producers want to really throw us Roslin will live, but I think she’s going to bite the dust.
If you kill off Adama then the show ends period, so don’t count on any BSG movies unless they do some thing pre-season 4.
I love Helo, so I know he’s going die and probably along with Athena. So, that way Hera will be raised by Caprica and Baltar (hey they always said that Baltar was going to be the father of the next generation).
Gaeta’s dead, Racetrack’s dead, Romo’s going to die, in fact I think the only survivors that are located in either the CIC or on flight status will be Dee and Hotdog.
Cottle will live, but then die once they land on earth, because he’ll discover earth’s cigarettes and those will be the ones to finally off him.
Starbuck will live cause she’s already died and Lee will also live because I think he’ll be the future president for the colonies.
The four Tighlons will all live, and some of the other seven cylon models will all live as well. Although I kind of hope that Boomer dies, cause she’s really pissing me off. Sorry I digress. No wait I think I pretty much covered everyone one on the show…no wait I forgot Boxey. Yeah…boxey along with Jake will both live and Boxey will grow up and run his own little black market.