When Harry Met Sally, *Surprise* Frak Party! (NOW)

Over him, but in a mourning period? snerk


“at least you could say you were married” I could vomit :stuck_out_tongue:

Huck it! Chuck it! Footbaaaaaalllll!

Oh, wait, wrong movie…

Don’t take it seriously, hon. No one these days actually think like that. Except our parents.

You’re telling me! My mother cries because her daughters are having pre-marital sex… mesnort

LOL :rolleyes:

It’s always amazing how many other people think they have vested interest in who you sleep with.

Random side note: back in the 80’s Meg Ryan used to be incredibly adorable. That is all.

I always wanted one of those drinking bird things…

Random side note: most of the locations for this film is exactly where I used to live at or hung out at, back in NY before I move to Seattle.

Harry Burns’s apartment is fantastic.

:rolleyes: You should have seen her when I pulled my BC out of my purse when I was 23. You’d have thought I was killing puppies.

yes, it is very sad what she’s had done to herself. she was gorgeous

Do you all use the whole bed? I find myself using only one side of the bed. Really, I don’t even have any idea what’s on the other side of my bed. There could be treasures there. I must look into it tonight.

Lucky you! I like New York, but I doubt I could live there.

Even without furniture!

I think my parents feel the same way, but they don’t feel comfortable talking to me about it.

I mostly use one side. Sometimes I sprawl, but mostly the right-hand side. But when I go home to my parents’ and have to sleep in a single bed, I almost fall out every time.

Well, her greatest attribute was that she looked natural, and almost approchable. Kind of the girl next door type, if you had a really hot girl living next door to you.

If you’re naturally pretty type… then you really should let yourself age naturally. You shouldn’t fight it.

Oh, my father has never said a word, but every now and then my mother gets herself worked up enough…