Warhammer 40K (I know it sounds weird)

The PDF version of the original Rogue Trader is quite easy to find, and will give you a strong understanding how much the Warhammer 40,000 universe has developed/changed. The RPG-skirmish game Inquisitor was also packed with background material (as well as being a really cool idea that I am pretty sure was part of the inspiration for Dark Heresy).

The Retconning can be good and bad. Good because you gain cool ideas like the Tau and Necrons, but bad because they redesign entire ranges of figures and drop races (ie the Squats vanishing). However, much of the retconning is not so much creative decisions, but external (ie financial/logistical) factors.

The only thing that was retconned out that I wish wasn’t, would be Imperial Jetbikes. Stupid Dark Angels and their ubar badass “last remaining jetbike”

Getting off topic, but it’s rumored Grey Knights are getting them.


get that crap chapter outta here. First Storm Ravens now jet bikes? Raaaaaaaaaaaaaargh

So anyway, to get us back on track WITH THE SUBJECT…

  1. lots of reading material out there
  2. good amount of video game material
  3. very very little movie-ish right now

Maybe it all can be looked at after the Ultramarines movie comes out?

Sounds awfully rational, I don’t know if I like it.

It does make sense though. Once there’s a movie out there on top of all the other material, it’ll really become a franchise worth looking over. Or rather, it’ll be even more worth the time to look over.

I’m going to bring this thread back because, well, Ultramarines did come out. Plus I’ve read more books since the last post here and holy crap you could almost pick 1 writer and have enough for a major arc (if everyone would read it all-which is almost impossible)

Reading is pretty much the only part of the 40K universe that I either have time for or can afford.

However, that is a really amazing part of the hobby. Dan Abnett is a genius.