Warehouse 13 3x02 Trial

Which is a neat trick, since it was probably filmed months ago.

Claudia chase! But why was Artie there

Artie has trust and protection issues when it comes to Claudia…

Yeah. I dunno what that means…


That’s also one of the prevailing theory behind SIDS. Babies just forget to breathe while they’re sleeping, due to an immature nervous system.

It’s kind of an ongoing criminal justice vs. media problem, so no matter when it aired, I’m sure someone could draw connection to a recent case.

Out of curiosity though, what tipped you off?

Fag hag

Good to know. Thanks.

Good point.

When did his father die?

Pete looks childlike! wow.

I love that Myka just barges in. Awesomeness.

Oh, Pete…so sad.

Myka - way to be subtle!

When he was a kid - somewhere between 8 and 12?

he calls her “dum-dum” as a term of affection. Aw, that’s kinda precious.

Cute… d:


Not sure how long ago, but he was a fireman. He had a “bad feeling” (much like Pete does) before going to a call, but he went anyway. He never came home. :frowning:

Ah right. Thanks for the refresher.

I love how he misses his mom, but he’s so insightful about the fact that she’s distancing and distracting to protect herself. And that gives Myka the clue to know what’s wrong between them about her leaving the Warehouse.

I’m learning so much tonight! (: