Warehouse 13 3x01 The New Guy

But Toyota is here to sell you a car. Nice product placement ad there. :frowning:

so we need a new subtitle

library of crazy?

I forgot how much I love Claudia

I was wondering whether that was Ice Man, Jimmy Olsen, or one of Clark’s nemesis?

well that’s creepy

Aaron was Jimmy Olsen.
Shawn was Iceman & the kid that stole Clark’s powers.

Oh, geez, I guessed invisible asps, and here she is calling out for Antony. Hello Cleopatra.

Has Myka left for good?

And then goodbye Cleopatra, I’m guessing.

Aaron gets all the long term gigs.

They’ve not completely ruled it out, but evidently no plans at this point. I haven’t heard if the actress has another gig.

I dunno about the rest of you, but I much prefer Sci Fi Fridays.

That’s unclear. I doubt it, since no one’s just come out and said that the actress has left the show.

“You guys have storms in here.”
“Uh… sometimes.” :smiley:

Love Artie’s delivery there. :slight_smile:

Yeah and I didn’t come across any news about other work, so I hope she’s coming back (plus I <3 Myka)

I love how Claudia’s fixed so many different Warehouse utilities lol

I kind of like it on Mondays, actually. Starts off the week with fun instead of work & chores. :wink:

Is that a statue of Zeus? Freaked out Zeus no less. HEHE. :slight_smile:

an urge to free Mrs Frederick? oh my.

what’s with Artie’s control freakishness with Claudia. Dude, man.

Free Mrs. Frederick? Was that a porn or an episode?

Nice creepy "X"s on the sides of that box. :slight_smile:

And one mythology query: If those snake bites were really an Antony & Cleopatra thing, wouldn’t it be Jupiter/Jove instead of Zeus?