Warehouse 13 2x13 Secret Santa

We’re too busy baking pies and stuffing turkeys, y’know.


Too soon? It’s been 150,000 years! :rolleyes:

“Right. Nutcracker!”

bwhahahahahahahaha! :smiley:

And I’m not just saying that because Santa’s going to kill me. :eek:

Oh no. Mariah? That just killed it for me. :eek:

Play it Artie!

Thank you Artie. Even when you write the music, you can still screw up the performance. :slight_smile:

“Dad, I wrote this.”
“Shakespeare wrote plays. That doesn’t mean he could act.” :smiley:

Cheating Death Tee Shirts!

I smell a product placement rat.

If you haven’t heard Alison’s interview on Nerdist, you should. :smiley:

Why would you think that? :rolleyes:

Shop Warehouse 13

D’oh !!!


O. M. Crom.

I love this show! and I love Artie!
But, he has really changed since the Artie we met in the pilot, that was playing with the football. now he is just an old curmudgeon. Atrie as the cross between myka and Pete and Claudia = Awesome…

I thought Judd Hersh was a great casting choice for his dad.

I liked this ep. but then i am a sap for all things christmasy.

can’t wait for the Dr who Christmas special… :slight_smile:

Best line of the month.